Counterfeiting Fiat

Counterfeiting Fiat

Postby beauanderos » Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:30 am

I just thought of something. Was reading a recent article on King World News by Paul Craig Roberts, an ex-Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. He stated the FED has no power to counterfeit foreign currencies to support our bond sales.

Why not? Haven't you all heard, in the past, that the American hundred dollar bill is the most forged currency in the world? I've heard that as much as sixty percent of the bills floating around globally are fake. That could well be an exaggeration, and I have no idea how anyone could verify that, so let's just consider that anecdotal. BUT... what we do know is true is that the FED itself is counterfeiting beau coup bucks by the trillions with it's continuous quantitative easing (I think it's hilarious they use the dollar now in Zimbabwe as currency... think, people, think... the implications... WE are the next Zimbabwe!! Hey... maybe we could just borrow their currency and save the trouble of printing up more of our own?)

So, if it's okay to bolster US treasuries by printing up unlimited fake (digital) currencies, currently to the tune of $85 billion a month (for the now and foreseeable future, ad infinitum)... then what's to really stop some enterprising govt black ops division from churning out unlimited amounts of FOREIGN currencies to bid on the Treasury auctions? Or spend in other fashion? You've gotta know that the Chinese are already doing that to us, and no doubt the Russian mafia. We have the technology.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out we already do that.
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Re: Counterfeiting Fiat

Postby Lemon Thrower » Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:02 pm

some people, like Jim Willie, claim we sold tungsten core gold bars to the Chinese during the Clinton years. if true, then uncle is well ahead of you.
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