The End of the USPS is we didn't already know.

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The End of the USPS is we didn't already know.

Postby camtender » Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:39 am

I read HighRoller's Priority Package blunder, but this deserves it's own topic.

As a Top Rated eBay PowerSeller, I have sent a fare share of packages in the last decade. I have never had an issue with the USPS..........until now........ I have five missing packages, all shipped from different days, all over three weeks ago, from several different USPS offices.

One was being shipped to Newport Beach CA - just a state away. The package made it to the hub in CA, then went to Illinois and has been off the radar for three weeks now. The other four has similar stories.

I have three other eBay friends who are having the same problem, all four of us ship from different originating USPS offices. I don't know how I am going to get out of this with my eBay rating intact, I will never use USPS again because I cannot have this level of business risk.

If the USPS does not care about people's packages on this scale, then this government entity needs to be dissolved and the ashes picked up by competent people.

We live in a society that should take the assets away from the incompetent and give them to the competent. Instead, we use tax payers' monies to prop up the incompetent and as a society, we allow this to occur.
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Re: The End of the USPS is we didn't already k

Postby natsb88 » Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:48 am

The USPS doesn't get a dime of taxpayer money. They are regulated by the government, but they aren't funded by the government. Starting in 2007, Congress mandated that the USPS pre-fund the next 75 years of retiree health benefits within 10 years, which is costing them $5.5 billion a year. No other entity, public or private, does anything like this, but Congress said the USPS has to. They were already hurting from the drop in First Class usage, which has only continued, and now this pre-funding requirement is cutting them off at the knees.

Not to say that's any excuse for lost mail, but know that the origins of the budget problems lie with the federal government, even though they don't get any taxpayer money.
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Re: The End of the USPS is we didn't already k

Postby camtender » Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:29 pm

There is some confusion on just what the USPS is, it has a quasi government agency status, similar to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And we know who was on the hook for their loses..............

It currently has $12 Billion in loans from the United States Treasury Department (does anyone really think that is going to be repaid? Could UPS or FedEx get $12 Billion in loans from the Treasury Department) and 80% of its annual budget goes towards salaries and benefits (anyone see a problem there?) ... 011-5?op=1

Anyone who does not think they are backed by the government needs to read this, which is still law today

The USPS is created as a government agency under Title 39, Section 101.1 of the United States Code which states, in part:

(a) The United States Postal Service shall be operated as a basic and fundamental service provided to the people by the Government of the United States, authorized by the Constitution, created by Act of Congress, and supported by the people. The Postal Service shall have as its basic function the obligation to provide postal services to bind the Nation together through the personal, educational, literary, and business correspondence of the people. It shall provide prompt, reliable, and efficient services to patrons in all areas and shall render postal services to all communities. The costs of establishing and maintaining the Postal Service shall not be apportioned to impair the overall value of such service to the people.
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Re: The End of the USPS is we didn't already k

Postby camtender » Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:32 pm

natsb88 wrote: even though they don't get any taxpayer money.

Except for the small $12 Billion from the Treasury Department. Let revisit this post in six month to a year and see if $12 Billion was enough.
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Re: The End of the USPS is we didn't already k

Postby natsb88 » Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:50 pm

camtender wrote:... and 80% of its annual budget goes towards salaries and benefits (anyone see a problem there?)

Right. See my comment on the congressional requirement to pre-fund 75 years worth of health benefits.

On another interesting note, I was talking to one of the ladies at the counter yesterday while the postmaster was checking on something for me. She's worked there for almost 20 years (I've known her for about 10), and she says their overall income at the counter today is significantly more now than it was when she started, due to the amount of packages they get. However, they also get a truck everyday from FedEx, a truck from DHL, and a truck from UPS (they use a rental truck though, not a brown UPS truck) full of packages that the USPS does the final delivery on. She says they get $0.22 per package to make the final delivery, regardless of whether it's a 2 ounce bubble envelope or a big 50 pound box. UPS/FedEx/DHL get to charge $8 - $30+ per package just to make a bulk delivery to a PO, and then the USPS only gets $0.22 to attempt the final delivery, collect a signature or leave a slip if necessary, etc. It sounds to me (and her) like there are some shady deals being made with other delivery companies at the corporate level. Somebody in the USPS structure must be making money through this arrangement, but it sure doesn't seem like it's happening on the books.
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Re: The End of the USPS is we didn't already k

Postby fasteddy » Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:30 pm

natsb88 wrote:truck everyday from FedEx, a truck from DHL, and a truck from UPS
for those who do not know this...its called the "last mile" those three companies do NOT deliver to every address in the US...but the Postal Service does including delivering UPS packages...and those last mile address's are not just rural address's they are also city address's.

Show me any company who can prefund there employee health benefits for 75 years and not have cash flow issues...The Congress is mandating the USPS to fund health benefits for USPS employees that have NOT even been born yet! The USPS can and does fund itself...if Congress will stop using it as its cash cow just like it sucks off the money from Social Security.

Camtender, I understand the loss/theft issue it really sucks....I hate liars and thieves dont have space in my life for them. period.

Even though the USPS has a large work force it is difficult to police them all, temptation is there. One of my friends has his own trucking company....just him and another fella. Someone is charging on avarage $400 a month more in fuel than should be used...based on mileage. Well its not my friend since he pays the bills....he has known this employee all his life...even close friends will steal from you.

I hope your packages went on an unauthorized sight seeing trip and show back up real soon. Good Luck.

Thanks, Nate.

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Re: The End of the USPS is we didn't already k

Postby Lemon Thrower » Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:00 pm

I think your information about prefunding for 75 years is not accurate. they simply were required to prefund the promises they made to their employees.

most people in this country pay for their own health insurance when they retire, so that point doesn't garner any sympathy from me.

Besides the us. govt loans and other assistance, the usps benefits from a monopoly on local delivery and access to mailboxes.
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Re: The End of the USPS is we didn't already k

Postby barrytrot » Fri Dec 23, 2011 6:20 pm

Getting 12 billion in SUPER LOW INTEREST loans is exactly the same as getting money from the government.

So stop saying it doesn't get money from the government. It does.

I would sign up RIGHT NOW to get 12 billion or more in those same loans.

Any sane individual could get an ROI well above the meager interest rate and keep the extra interest, i.e. hundreds of millions of dollars in gain per year.

The USPS was once a necessary thing to form the country. Now, hopefully it will right-size itself and remain competitive with Fed Ex, etc. If not, I don't want the government FURTHER bailing it out.
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Re: The End of the USPS is we didn't already k

Postby Tantalar » Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:01 pm

I'm really going to miss the flat rate padded envelopes though... Ah the things I have shipped in those... they would have cost me 3X that much any other way! I live right next to a post office, so the ease of use is absolutely dreamlike. I know that while the USPS may be better for sellers like me, it is overall not positive for our country. Sort of like gold and silver shooting upwards. I want it but at the same time I don't want it!
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Re: The End of the USPS is we didn't already k

Postby cesariojpn » Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:50 pm

fasteddy wrote:
natsb88 wrote:truck everyday from FedEx, a truck from DHL, and a truck from UPS
for those who do not know this...its called the "last mile" those three companies do NOT deliver to every address in the US...but the Postal Service does including delivering UPS packages...and those last mile address's are not just rural address's they are also city address's. ... _SmartPost
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Re: The End of the USPS is we didn't already k

Postby barrytrot » Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:09 pm

fasteddy wrote:Even though the USPS has a large work force it is difficult to police them all, temptation is there. One of my friends has his own trucking company....just him and another fella. Someone is charging on avarage $400 a month more in fuel than should be used...based on mileage. Well its not my friend since he pays the bills....he has known this employee all his life...even close friends will steal from you.

Off topic but I like explaining the difference between "freind" and "someone you have known a long time".

A friend would NEVER steal from a friend. Never.
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Re: The End of the USPS is we didn't already k

Postby penny pretty » Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:01 pm

once I got my 25th eagle sets from the US mint and they shipped UPS I knew the usps had no game anymore
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Re: The End of the USPS is we didn't already k

Postby galenrog » Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:02 am

Just how near, I do not know. I do know that they cannot compete with UPS or FedEx on many things.

My wife regularly ships to neighboring states to our adult children and their families. Nearly every time UPS beats USPS by 20% or more. Most businesses I ship to do not want USPS delivering high value parcels. Having worked for them I can say with certainty that there are people who simply do not care about quality work.

Concerning the subsidies that the USPS receives, I have noted the following: USPS pays NO PROPERTY TAXES; is eligible for REFUNDS ON ALL FUEL TAXES PAID AT THE PUMP; pay NO VEHICLE REGISTRATION FEES, although contract carriers are required to do so.

They are also eligible for REFUNDS of all UTILITY TAXES paid to local utilities such as electric, water and sewer. Not the cost of the utilities, just any separate tax. Same with all taxes associated with TELEPHONE and COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS.

Most CAPITAL COSTS, such as new buildings and some new equipment are paid with general TREASURY DEPARTMENT FUNDS.

Supervisors are eligible to draw vehicles from GSA motor pools, when such vehicles are available and needed for official duties. These vehicles are paid for by GSA funds.

The list goes on.

These may not be considered as direct subsidies by some, but they are still costs that the PO does not have to pay.

It is my contention that the PO must do one of the following: 1) Get out from under the foot of Congress by becoming a non-government entity instead of a quasi-government business. This would require the PO to react to business demand more quickly than the 4 -5 years it now takes for anything significant to be decided on. 2) Become a fully functioning department of government once again. 3) Reduce the size and scope of the organization to that of a government courier.

Already most mail that is shipped by air is moved by FedEx between air terminals. Some is also shipped by UPS. Some is also shipped by passenger airlines.

Just sayin'
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Re: The End of the USPS is we didn't already k

Postby .02FYI » Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:20 am

was any of your, your friends, business acquaintences or associates registered mail ?
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Re: The End of the USPS is we didn't already k

Postby getdong » Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:24 pm

camtender wrote:I read HighRoller's Priority Package blunder, but this deserves it's own topic.

As a Top Rated eBay PowerSeller, I have sent a fare share of packages in the last decade. I have never had an issue with the USPS..........until now........ I have five missing packages, all shipped from different days, all over three weeks ago, from several different USPS offices.

One was being shipped to Newport Beach CA - just a state away. The package made it to the hub in CA, then went to Illinois and has been off the radar for three weeks now. The other four has similar stories.

I have three other eBay friends who are having the same problem, all four of us ship from different originating USPS offices. I don't know how I am going to get out of this with my eBay rating intact, I will never use USPS again because I cannot have this level of business risk.

If the USPS does not care about people's packages on this scale, then this government entity needs to be dissolved and the ashes picked up by competent people.

We live in a society that should take the assets away from the incompetent and give them to the competent. Instead, we use tax payers' monies to prop up the incompetent and as a society, we allow this to occur.

If incompetence and innefficiency was cause to shut something down we wouldn't have DMV, dept of education, epa, dept of energy, heck we wouldn't have a government lol. Post office will stay around though they are closing locations, getting rid of some staff, etc. They are overpaid, I recently heard on the radio them discussing people tipping the mailmen. Not to say they don't work hard but they make 69k a year on average I believe they said plus carriers were saying they get from 6k-12k in tax free cash tips at the end of the year. Also, I remember hearing that there's tons of managers managing 2-3 people. Changles will have to be made. Early on I had issues with packages getting lost, sitting in sorting stations for weeks with no progress.Lately however knock on wood have no issues. I think shipping at least priority if not express and doing del conf and signature con makes them more accountable.
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