A while back, I bought 1 troy ounce of copper with a P90x on it. Let me tell you, it's awesome. There are pictures listed below. Before realcent.org, there was realcent.forum.co. On there, I found a link to the Copper Cave by Susquehanna Hobbies. So I browsed and saw that there was a 1troy ounce copper bar with a P90 on it. Needless to say I hopped on it. After ordering, I waited anxiously for 2 or 3 days. Then, in the mail box, there was a package to me from an desclosed address. I ripped open the package and found this bar of awesomeness looking at me as if to say, "Finally, we meet." I was overly excited. The drift of this story is to show you around the Copper Cave. You wont regret it.
http://www.sushob.com/copper/ or http://www.coppercave.com