by Robarons » Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:25 pm
You my friend have found the best kept secret in sorting.
I live close to an casino that has recently gone coinless. But they kept the machines around and will still service customers who bother to bring their change to the casino. However most patrons do not know of this service, are visitors, or like 90% of the population do not care about coins.
They require the denomations to remain separate because the machines are from the old days of gambling. Anyone who has gambled in a coin casino knows that the 'Cage' or the place to refund your chips or coins knows that there is a De la Rue (i think) that they used to dump nickels, quarters, halves, and dollar coins/token in (stand wagers for slots). Well they still have those and only accept those coins. They bought cheap crap sorters for the dimes and pennies- I think it has $25 penny bags vs. $50.
Anyways even though they went coinless halves are used in poker and the coins are used in general for day to day operations, eps. the ticket in/ticket out machines where you feed the ticket and get your money back often with coins.
I haven been doing this for a year now and they could care less. I only bring back nickels and halves cause pennies take too long, dimes might be mis-counted, and quarters I dont sort. I can bring $500 in halves or nickels as a average per trip.
Its an excellent way to rid of your coins quickly for cash, fee free. Also it drains the halves out of the system as they stay in the casino- most people dont try to take the halves out.
Also its a good place to sort if you can still get coin from the casino- always found 40%. But I was cut off quite quickly after doing this at my casino.