Hold onto sealed Presidential dollar rolls or cash them in?

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Hold onto sealed Presidential dollar rolls or cash them in?

Postby JerrySpringer » Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:55 pm

I have some sealed Presidential dollar rolls and am thinking I might just as well turn them in for cash. Would you hold on to them? I forget which presidents I have but most are before Lincoln I think. Maybe 7 rolls total. Also, I have a sealed roll of Susan B. Anthony dollars. Not sure of the date. That one I think I should probably hold onto. Maybe the great-great-grand descendants could buy a cool laptop computer with that roll someday?
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Re: Hold onto sealed Presidential dollar rolls or cash them

Postby scyther » Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:06 pm

I'd save the SBAs, since they're old and most people have probably given up and spent them by now, but I'm not confident they are or ever will be worth much. May as well cash in the president ones; the earlier president dollars had higher mintages and were widely saved.
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Re: Hold onto sealed Presidential dollar rolls or cash them

Postby AGgressive Metal » Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:46 pm

When everyone who is not a "real" coin collector is saving something, that is your cue to deposit the money in a bank or turn it into gold/silver/copper. Look at Ike dollars; they have been around for decades and are only worth $1.10 or thereabouts. Imagine if you had put 100 Ikes into the stock market in 1975!
And he that hath lyberte ought to kepe hit wel
For nothyng is better than lyberte
For lyberte shold not be wel sold for alle the gold and syluer of all the world
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Re: Hold onto sealed Presidential dollar rolls or cash them

Postby blackrabbit » Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:54 pm

I cashed in all mine save one roll. It was fun to get them at cost shipped back in the day, but I don't think they are going to worth anything much.
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Re: Hold onto sealed Presidential dollar rolls or cash them

Postby highroller4321 » Mon Feb 24, 2014 11:01 pm

AGgressive Metal wrote:When everyone who is not a "real" coin collector is saving something, that is your cue to deposit the money in a bank or turn it into gold/silver/copper. Look at Ike dollars; they have been around for decades and are only worth $1.10 or thereabouts. Imagine if you had put 100 Ikes into the stock market in 1975!

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