What does a CTU go for these days and is it worth it?

Forum for discussing any topic related to investing in, collecting and saving US, Canadian, UK, and other Copper Bullion Pennies for their metal content.

What does a CTU go for these days and is it worth it?

Postby John1934 » Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:11 pm

Hey all,

First post here. I found this site looking for places that buy bulk amounts of copper cents. Currently I have 4 CTU's and while I have dumped lots of copper before I want to avoid doing it now. Second part, if I finally am able to get rid of all my copper, is it worth it to keep going?
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Re: What does a CTU go for these days and is it worth it?

Postby johnbrickner » Mon Dec 21, 2015 2:45 pm

Hey John:

We share a common lot besides CTUs. Feel free to intro your self here: viewforum.php?f=49

I'm sure there are a few or maybe a couple of folks here that would buy a CTU. Tons have been bought and sold here.
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