Ryedale Coin Counter

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Ryedale Coin Counter

Postby RodoubleB » Sun Apr 17, 2016 11:28 am

So I have a Ryedale apprentice. I would like to add some type of 'counter' to calculate how many coppers are dropping through. Has anyone come up with a good method to do this?
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Re: Ryedale Coin Counter

Postby realhumancopper » Sun Apr 17, 2016 8:27 pm

I have never heard of such. I think the best way to get a "count" is to weigh them when you wish. For instance, weigh the coppers you get from sorting 10 boxes of cents............b
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Re: Ryedale Coin Counter

Postby JadeDragon » Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:56 pm

Many Ryedales came with counters. Mine is an early edition with no counter though. The downside to the counter is it is kind of useless. Most of us run coins through again, try sorting by zinc or steel accept, play with wheats, sort nickels, and so on. So the counter does not really tell you how many coins you really processed.
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Re: Ryedale Coin Counter

Postby RodoubleB » Sun Apr 17, 2016 10:27 pm

JadeDragon wrote:Many Ryedales came with counters. Mine is an early edition with no counter though. The downside to the counter is it is kind of useless. Most of us run coins through again, try sorting by zinc or steel accept, play with wheats, sort nickels, and so on. So the counter does not really tell you how many coins you really processed.

So you typically do a run to separate coppers, then you do a second run of the coppers to sort again? is the machine successful in doing so? what do you sort for?
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Re: Ryedale Coin Counter

Postby fasteddy » Mon Apr 18, 2016 1:23 pm

My Apprentice for dimes has a counter...it is useless IMO. Sometimes it counts.

My penny Apprentice's do not have counters...What JadeDragon said...you sort for zincs, then run rejects through after adjusting the potentiometer for copper then hand sort those rejects for Indian Heads and early wheats. So in reality a counter would not be accurate unless you made notes as you sorted....too time consuming.

If you really want a counter you can get a desk top model for somewhere under $200 from the classifieds, craiglist, ebay. Look for a scan coin 303 or a 313 they use electronic counters and go to 999,999.
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Re: Ryedale Coin Counter

Postby 68Camaro » Mon Apr 18, 2016 3:18 pm

Yep - a scancoin as adjunct to the sorter is the best, inexpensive, method
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Re: Ryedale Coin Counter

Postby Recyclersteve » Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:58 pm

JadeDragon wrote:Many Ryedales came with counters. Mine is an early edition with no counter though. The downside to the counter is it is kind of useless. Most of us run coins through again, try sorting by zinc or steel accept, play with wheats, sort nickels, and so on. So the counter does not really tell you how many coins you really processed.

I do like the fact that the counter at least lets me know how old the machine is getting- not exactly, but close enough.
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Re: Ryedale Coin Counter

Postby RodoubleB » Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:59 pm

Howmuch wear and tare can I expect out the ryedale?
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Re: Ryedale Coin Counter

Postby fasteddy » Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:40 am

The Ryedale's are well built machines. You will get a lot of use out of it. Keep it clean, lubed and replace the wheel about every million cents. I have over 3 million cents through mine and I bought my Ryedale Apprentice's used.
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