Well, I could be anyway. Seems the darn things go haywire every other dump run, and I've gotten to know more about fixing them than the tellers.
Spent the better part of an hour today trouble shooting one at a branch I had previously never visited. I had to - my zincs were only half counted when the thing jammed. I told the teller I might be able to fix it and she, one of only two people working at the branch, was only to happy to oblige. They sure are trusting folk
I was knee deep in quarter bags and penny heaven. Course, there were probably 47 cameras on me the whole while...Eventually I managed to unjam it (a technical term). Someone had dropped one of those elongated Lincolns into it which not only froze the wheel-thingie (again, technical), but also pushed the sensor aside.
Next time I'll bring my 15 in 1 pocket utility tool. That will impress them.