by tinhorn » Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:41 pm
I think it depends mostly on the personalities of the tellers/branch manager. I've placed the largest order--$450--at a branch where I don't even have an account, but I started small (a box or two), smiled and understood when they didn't have any to spare, and jumped on the opportunity when they suggested I order ahead. My second-largest order was at a branch where I do have an account, but also dump the most zincs--twice as many as any other bank, and no raised eyebrows. Some other sorter also uses that bank and has paved the road for me by making large penny orders and dumps seem normal. (I also take chocolate truffles and Munchkins to this bank regularly.)
I think the key is to simply take the pulse of the bank. Like many businesses, a bank will reflect the personality of the leader. Heck, the two closest branches of my favorite bank are the most useless--terrible attitudes. But other branches of that same chain will order as many pennies as I'd like. Stop in at lots of banks, ask if they have a box or two of pennies they could sell you, and keep going back to the branches where you receive good vibes. Life's too short to deal with grumpy tellers. Well, except for maybe the older sourpuss at a Bank of America (where I will NEVER open an account) who resists, then "allows" me to buy a box. Heeheehee--I think I'm wearing her down. Soon I'm gonna ask for TWO boxes.
By the way, shopping carts are barely manageable with the weight of 18 boxes of pennies.
Press On Regardless!