any chance pennies will be of great importance

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any chance pennies will be of great importance

Postby goldteam » Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:01 am

when this economy totally melts down?(copper ones)

I don't sell mine, I hoard them. Do any of you believe rather than looking at their copper value that they will be used to make transfers of money....... and people will wish they had them?

Do you think this is possible?
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Re: any chance pennies will be of great importance

Postby avidbrandy » Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:49 am

I'd say likely not, simply if for no other fact than that your average person has no idea about metal compositions in coins. The majority of people don't even know that pre-1965 coins are silver. It's a bit sad. Allows for more hoarding though.
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Re: any chance pennies will be of great importance

Postby WizardTN » Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:53 am

Copper has a long rich history as a method of coinage. It will depend greatly on what becomes "percieved" as being of value. After things settle down and any leaders emerge, the things that are seen as value may well include "coppers" as they were called in the past. I am planning on that taking at least a year.
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Re: any chance pennies will be of great importance

Postby AGgressive Metal » Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:46 am

At bare minimum you can scrap them for well over their face value. (edit: this is not legal currently)
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Re: any chance pennies will be of great importance

Postby Mike » Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:48 pm

I don't know what's going to happen in the future, but wtshtf, I'm pretty certain we'll all be better off having copper pennies than not having copper pennies.
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Re: any chance pennies will be of great importance

Postby shinnosuke » Sat Jul 02, 2011 5:10 pm

avidbrandy wrote:I'd say likely not, simply if for no other fact than that your average person has no idea about metal compositions in coins. The majority of people don't even know that pre-1965 coins are silver. It's a bit sad. Allows for more hoarding though.

But I think Gresham's Law will apply post-stink hitting the fan as well. People will be educated pretty quickly as to what has real value. Go to the store and have your cash rejected just once. Go home empty-handed. You will learn that coppers are good.
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Re: any chance pennies will be of great importance

Postby Common Cents » Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:55 pm

As the previous poster mentioned, Gresham's law will prevail in the end. The world is catching on to the fiat money ponzi scheme, and more will crave a hedge against inflation. Gold is already too pricey for most, and silver isn't exactly cheap either. Copper will eventually become a desired asset among investors, and that's when we'll start to see huge upward price spikes. Copper will follow the same path as silver, but it will take a little while longer to get there. Copper has been a monetary metal for thousands of years.
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Re: any chance pennies will be of great importance

Postby rickygee » Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:27 pm

Wellll, a nice stash of pennies will lessen the urge to go steal the plumbing out of your neighbor's house. ;)
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