They DO exist!!

Forum for discussing any topic related to investing in, collecting and saving US, Canadian, UK, and other Copper Bullion Pennies for their metal content.

Re: They DO exist!!

Postby Rosco » Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:47 pm

Your stories are a big pickup as I sort all copper I can get, lately struggle with buying even cents.
Sorted the Half boxes for a while and the skunks an shorts stopped me also I'm down stream of Highroller1234 an that cuts out a lot of choices for me. 20 wheat's in batch or box is my best, I know Just keep sorting and I am :P
Rarely Hand Sorts ....Hope that the Hoard goes to the Boys
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Re: They DO exist!!

Postby Subby » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:45 pm

I went 21 for 24 on coppers outta the drawer at work on Saturday. I hear ya on the heat/humidity, our work is hard on the body.

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Re: They DO exist!!

Postby merchoarder » Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:51 pm

Amazing, it happened again (only better.) Six rolls of pennies in the change bucket today, noticed one said "wheats." :D Of course I grabbed them all and replaced with three $1 FRN's. I'll bring six rolls of zinc tomorrow and get my three bucks back. So I get home and THREE solid wheat rolls, better yet, one was almost all before 1930 AND had one extra penny!! Another was solid 1979, one was an older looking BWR that is tails/tails and I haven't opened and the last had ~30% copper. What a score!
Anyway, the point of this post is not to brag (maybe a little :D ) But, hopefully, to inspire. After Doc's great post "call to the lurkers" and some other posts recently about people not feeling they are "in the big leagues" like some here, no worries friends! Sure I'd like to have more cash to sort and stack but I don't. It is what it is. DO NOT be discouraged and do what you can! In the long run it all adds up and you'll be glad you did what you could. A few ounces of silver, a few pounds of nickel and copper, it's better than none. No one is too small to start! You don't need a box, grab a few rolls! Have fun, do what you can, we'll all be better off, even with our "tiny" hoards!
"If you don't do it this year, you'll be one year older when you do" Warren Miller
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