Stop for a soda this afternoon, walk across the street to a small bank and asked if I could get some pennies.
Sure: How many would you like? Three hundred, No Problem! The boxes were all shot gun rolls done by the bank, one was half full of cwr's. I asked if I could come back tomorrow and get more because that was all the cash I had on me. So I asked how much I could get, her replie was I know I have at least another twelve hundred or more if you like.
Here is the sweet part, I just got done doing the first run with the ryedale $144.57 in copper. I know I will not sleep tonight thinking about getting back over there. All the boxes were dated with the tellers name and date. The oldest date was 4/8/08, I hope they keep going back as I get the rest. This little town is only about ten miles from me, and they are already interested in just bagging their pennies and giving me a call when they have a couple hundred. Wish me luck on the rest.
Now that I have done $2300 from this little bank I found, here are the results.
$951.36 copper,$5.59 wheats,$17.37 canadian copper, for a copper percentage of 42.36%
Along with a few first for me, my first plastic pennies, and a counterstamped Lincoln facing Kennady
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