beauanderos wrote:Well... so much for sorting pennies. It was gonna come to this sooner or later. My money man at the bank today tells me the central vault got suspicious about my $500 weekly order that's been in place for about 21 months and decided to put a stop to it. They are now going to charge $5 a box for pennies. Since I only make $2 a box if I'm lucky... looks like it's time to find a new hobby. I told him to chop the order down to $100 a week and see if it slides past them, but I'll have to find a different source branch or bank if I want to continue. They're charging fees for everything now.

I'm surprised you've gotten away with it this long. Even my measely one box of pennies per week/per branch is starting to cause cross-eyed looks from the tellers.
As time moves on and the economy gets worse, I expect all banks to be MUCH less friendly with their customers and raise fees dramatically unless you are a large merchant, or a customer who has a very large account with them.
I say phuck all the banks, close your accounts, take all your cash and put it into a private "mattress fund". I am currently in the process of doing this. The thing is you cannot withdrawl more than $5000 at a time because the bank is required to fill out an SAR (suspicious activity report) form. You are then considered a terrorist.
Don't you just love what the USA has become? Karl Marx would be proud.
Time is precious, stop wasting it.