I'm holding out for the 1913 V nick on one end and the 1/4 oz maple leaf on the other.
TwoAndAHalfCents wrote:So it's 48 wheat pennies and two Mercury dimes on the ends and $3.99 to ship. I wouldn't bid more than two bucks for it but there are 8 bids already and its over $10. I see auctions like this all the time and people are buying them. Not me. I'll pass.
ed_vantage17 wrote:"There's a sucker born every minute" - PT Barnum
HoardCopperByTheTon wrote:How can he be sure there are no culls or bent coins as the ad states? Also the auction says it has a merc and a steel cent on the ends and the pics show 2 mercs.. did he package it wrong? Maybe the buyer can send it back claiming "not as described"
NDFarmer wrote:Just like there is no such thing as "unsearched" bags of wheat pennies. I get a kick out of the guys selling unsearched bags or wheats but yet if you look at their feed back most of their previous sales are all the key date and better date coins that they have pulled out of bags that they are now selling as unsearched.
Makes it hard on guys like me that describe the bags of wheats that are searched and am honest about selling them as searched bags. I have a hard time getting a bid at $189.00 for a bag when all I would have to do is put that magic word in my description (unsearched) and I would get another $30.00 to $40.00 for the bags I am selling. But I won't do that. The bags I sell are searched and I have to be honest and sell them as searched bags.
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