by Morsecode » Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:44 pm
That was my point. Not many will let it go cheap, and herds of them will yank their sales. The market would be determined by those stubborn, smart sellers who willl continue to list at their price. You could, I suppose, find someone local on craigslist desperate enough for whatever reason to undercut because of no shipping, but they could do that today. I don't see the deals.
If copper goes to $1.10 lb, I'll forge refinance documents on my 86 year-old mother's house to buy it all at $110/$120 CTU. There just won't be that many to buy at that price.
From hence ye beauties undeceived, know one false step is ne'er retrieved
and be with caution bold.
Not all that tempts your wandering eyes and heedless hearts is lawful prize,
nor all that glistens gold.
- Thomas Gray, 1747