Does Anyone Else Name Their Banks?

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Does Anyone Else Name Their Banks?

Postby henrysmedford » Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:02 pm

As you may know, my fifteen-year-old son, Franklin, has Autism, and has named most of the banks we go to. Some examples would be: The Pretty Bank with No Pennies, The Sisters Bank (all female tellers which all act like sisters), The Laughing Bank (also all female), Penny Green's Bank (close to Penny's house), The Veterinarians Office (Franklin says it looks like a dog could potty on the floor and it would not hurt), The Bowling ally bank (a Chase bank that at one time was headquarters for local bank so a lot of empty room.) The Round bank, He has about four banks that are called the grumpy bank, and about five named after his favorite teller in that branch. And about five named after the town that they are in. We go to about 12 Chases , 7 Premierwest Banks,7 Umpqua Banks ,4 Rouge Federal CU. It funny when we find tellers banking at a bank other than there own. After three of going to banks Franklin is on first name with a about fifty tellers.
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Re: Does Anyone Else Name Their Banks?

Postby DRP270 » Sun Nov 27, 2011 7:23 pm

Great story, thanks.
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