Derek.Sheriff wrote:0% unless I needed the $ for an emergency.
Economist wrote:I chose 100%--this is basically what I do right now.
I understand where you "sort-n-hoard" focused guys are coming from, but you should understand where us "sort-n-sell" guys are coming from.
I for one don't have a whole bunch of cash to park in a pile of copper for years. And if I had a whole lot of cash, I'd be buying ag land as my main investment. But being a "cash flow" sorter actually allows me a pretty nice little side job. Sure, it doesn't pay all that great (yet), but it's fun and I'm building up a business.
barrytrot wrote:Is that 1.5x AFTER costs? Or 1.5x shipped? The OP should clarify.
Corsair wrote:None. I told myself at the beginning of the year that I won't sell a single copper penny for less than 2x face. Copper today is like silver in the mid 60's. Do you want to take a quick and laughably small profit now, or sit on your hoard as if it doesn't even exist and wait for the good times to come 'round?
Corsair : Copper :: Ray : Silver
NashuaSolstice wrote:zero
AGgressive Metal wrote:1.5x face is not enough money if you have to ship them. Gas to post office, cost of shipping, cost of tape, cost of packing material, etc. Not worth it. If you have a local buyer and you are a machine sorter then yes I can see that. But if I am sorting by hand getting 20% coppers, I have to go through five boxes just to get $25 FV of copper. If you sort a box every 30 minutes that is a $12.50 return for 2.5 hours of work. Its better than nothing if you are unemployed but certainly no way to run a business.
AGgressive Metal wrote:EDIT - not to mention the time it takes to re-roll and return and/or spend the zincs.
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