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Postby TheJonasCollegeFund » Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:21 pm

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Postby strikeaxe » Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:27 pm

WOW, I read the original post blinked and re-read the post.

I really think the point of the story was missed. I will not pretend to speak for anyone on this board. IMHO it is the duty of every American to point out the flaw in the fake and shine a bright giant light on the real and tangible. I applaud the story for pointing out the fact that your money is being debased sheeple wake up.

If you have some fun, make some FRN’s, Real Money, Cent’s, or whatever the next exchange medium. Then enjoy while it lasts praise GOD or your favorite deity for striking you with the intelligence to realize.

I do collect and hoard as I advise all who will stand still long enough to listen, generally I’m looked at like a unicorn or a 30 year old virgin, nutty cent hoarder. As I have said here before the more people I tell the more people show up toting their change jars for a face value exchange for whatever it contains.
America has become the NO DEPOSIT NO RETURN country.
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Postby ed_vantage17 » Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:30 pm

The run on copper pennies hasn't happened here yet. As a matter of fact one of my pick-up CU's had 6 bags for me today, when before the most they've ever had is 3. Maybe the sky is falling, but I'm gonna guess it's just rain.

PS Don't feed the trolls.
Last edited by ed_vantage17 on Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ferengi rule of acquisition #162: Even in the worst of times someone turns a profit.

My realcent feedback.

“Most Americans are getting hammered by high gas prices, yesterday oil hit a record high and politicians cannot do anything about it”. -- Bill O'Reilly April 23, 2008
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Postby highroller4321 » Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:30 pm

Andrew Jackson wrote:8-)
Wow, this is an awesome example of group-think. Because I submit a post that you do not agree with, some on this forum like school yard children become charged with emotion! To the member that stated my comments were contrary to freedom, my goodness lad I was exercising freedom by sharing my opinion! We all don't have to be sheep-like and think the same do we? I appreciate any and all opposing views. As I am sure many are in agreement with the alternative view that I posted. Some may think its wise and safe to go on national television and expose their identity,and show the public the $300 face value buckets they have in the back shed. On the same report that confirms the looting of copper nation wide. I think that is irresponsible, that is my opinion and I really don't care if some don't agree or not! Wake up and use your common sense! As for Scotty TX it sounds like you've really taken my views personal, I am shaking, and now feel very uncomfortable about attending the penny collecting get together this year. If your ever passing through Northern New England don't hesitate to look me up. Send me a PM and I will give you contact information!
QUOTE"A majority is one man who is willing to take a stand" President Andrew Jackson.

This is not a group-think it is each peroson individually responding. You personally called me out, which was wrong, and that is why emotion has become involved. If you would have done what most of the adults on the forum would have done and simple disagreed with what I did than you will have a small group that supports your opinion. Doing personal attacks will get you no friends here. I am sorry that you have so much displaced emotion and I hope that you can take a step back and cool down. If you want to argue the fact that it was good or bad than that is fine. If you want to name call and put your emotions into a childish manner you will get a lot of backlash from members and maybe even have the admins step in and place a ban.
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Postby barrytrot » Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:42 pm

Andrew Jackson wrote:8-)
Wow, this is an awesome example of group-think. Because I submit a post that you do not agree with, some on this forum like school yard children become charged with emotion! To the member that stated my comments were contrary to freedom, my goodness lad I was exercising freedom by sharing my opinion! We all don't have to be sheep-like and think the same do we? I appreciate any and all opposing views. As I am sure many are in agreement with the alternative view that I posted. Some may think its wise and safe to go on national television and expose their identity,and show the public the $300 face value buckets they have in the back shed. On the same report that confirms the looting of copper nation wide. I think that is irresponsible, that is my opinion and I really don't care if some don't agree or not! Wake up and use your common sense! As for Scotty TX it sounds like you've really taken my views personal, I am shaking, and now feel very uncomfortable about attending the penny collecting get together this year. If your ever passing through Northern New England don't hesitate to look me up. Send me a PM and I will give you contact information!
QUOTE"A majority is one man who is willing to take a stand" President Andrew Jackson.

Not group think. People can agree on something, like for example that you are sophomoric and make nothing but ad hominem attacks to try to annoy rather than discuss. That doesn't mean they are of one mind, simply that they agree on something.

I'm pretty sure "Old Hickory" would be quite eager to duel you were he here today and reading your comments. He didn't take kindly to children posing as men!
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Postby theo » Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:49 pm

Andrew Jackson wrote:8-)
Wow, this is an awesome example of group-think. Because I submit a post that you do not agree with, some on this forum like school yard children become charged with emotion! To the member that stated my comments were contrary to freedom, my goodness lad I was exercising freedom by sharing my opinion! We all don't have to be sheep-like and think the same do we? I appreciate any and all opposing views. As I am sure many are in agreement with the alternative view that I posted. Some may think its wise and safe to go on national television and expose their identity,and show the public the $300 face value buckets they have in the back shed. On the same report that confirms the looting of copper nation wide. I think that is irresponsible, that is my opinion and I really don't care if some don't agree or not! Wake up and use your common sense! As for Scotty TX it sounds like you've really taken my views personal, I am shaking, and now feel very uncomfortable about attending the penny collecting get together this year. If your ever passing through Northern New England don't hesitate to look me up. Send me a PM and I will give you contact information!
QUOTE"A majority is one man who is willing to take a stand" President Andrew Jackson.

Groupthink? Even before reading the responses to your initial post, you came off as bitter and patronizing. H.R. has a business that allows people to invest in physical copper and he has every right to promote it. Any suggestion that this exposure encourages copper theft is derisive and unfair. Might security be a concern for him? Sure. But it may be possible that he has his bases covered there and knows far more about it than you and I. I agree that there can be nobility in holding an unpopular opinion, but it your case its irrational.
Last edited by theo on Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby theo » Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:51 pm

barrytrot wrote:
Andrew Jackson wrote:8-)
Wow, this is an awesome example of group-think. Because I submit a post that you do not agree with, some on this forum like school yard children become charged with emotion! To the member that stated my comments were contrary to freedom, my goodness lad I was exercising freedom by sharing my opinion! We all don't have to be sheep-like and think the same do we? I appreciate any and all opposing views. As I am sure many are in agreement with the alternative view that I posted. Some may think its wise and safe to go on national television and expose their identity,and show the public the $300 face value buckets they have in the back shed. On the same report that confirms the looting of copper nation wide. I think that is irresponsible, that is my opinion and I really don't care if some don't agree or not! Wake up and use your common sense! As for Scotty TX it sounds like you've really taken my views personal, I am shaking, and now feel very uncomfortable about attending the penny collecting get together this year. If your ever passing through Northern New England don't hesitate to look me up. Send me a PM and I will give you contact information!
QUOTE"A majority is one man who is willing to take a stand" President Andrew Jackson.

Not group think. People can agree on something, like for example that you are sophomoric and make nothing but ad hominem attacks to try to annoy rather than discuss. That doesn't mean they are of one mind, simply that they agree on something.

I'm pretty sure "Old Hickory" would be quite eager to duel you were he here today and reading your comments. He didn't take kindly to children posing as men!

+1 for Barry!
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Postby inflationhawk » Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:54 pm

s3p2 wrote:Hoarding pennies and hoping copper will reach $10 20 years from now is worth while. Hoarding pennies hoping to make $76 on $100 worth of pennies right now is desperate. I really think anyone sorting and selling now to make a little money is missing the boat.
I look for silver dimes because they are 10 cents but sell for $2.50. I look for copper pennies because they are 1 cent but may one day sell for 25 cents. NOT 3 CENTS!
if you are selling now, you are selling short.

Do you think that in 20 years time when copper reaches $10 you'll magically be able to enter the business just because you want to? Building a business with a large client base takes time and starting now will pay dividends later. When you or others wait until the market is high enough in your opinion, you'll be left behind and have your lunch eaten by those that got in early and established the market. Andy is young and enterprising and off to a great start establishing a business with a loyal client base. In 10 to 20 years he'll probably be laughing all the way to the bank. I say, well done and congrats on using your resources effectively.
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Postby TheJonasCollegeFund » Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:06 pm

I vote for a cage match! Winner gets the loser's copper!

That should get us some national attention on ESPN!
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Postby Andrew Jackson » Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:08 pm

Dear Sir,
Could you please share an example from my post that exhibits name calling on my end? You may want to re-read. Albeit there has been name calling and boarder line threats directed towards me,trust me my feelings are not hurt, and I am in no way inclined to tattle to the administration. I was simply sharing a dramatization of my view point,and last I knew that was within the rights of our constitution. Please don't be so offended I was just sharing my honest view-point. I don't have to agree with you on everything do I. If you feel inclined to report my opposing views to the higher ups feel free. I'm confident that I have not violated any of the forum's terms or conditions. I realize that you probably aren't used to having anyone disagree with you, but healthy debate is good! Even if it does tend to offend the opposing view holders.
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Postby Thogey » Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:10 pm

Andrew Jackson wrote:8-)
Did you see the desperate people grabbing copper from wherever they could to feed there families!
I hope your right that your business promotion will help all of us common sorters. Its just with a worldwide economic depression looming I'm. Having a hard time buying it. Do you think this will actually help smaller sorters? What if any dump fees do you for see. I understand from your perspective it will help your profitability . But I can't see the benefit for the smaller or new sorter. I'd like to point out that all comments on this topic so far are from copper dealers. So if the smaller investor can no longer find cents in circulation they could always purchase from any of these fine vendors.
just my two cents.

Highroller is a businessman who is taking a pretty big risk. He's a smart guy with an impressive operation. But the long term success of his endeavor is not a lock. Anything can happen. The government could shut his ass down, after all this attention to penny hoarding threatens the full faith and credit of their shiny trinkets and paper. If there can be a law saying you cannot export more than 500 pennies, they can surely shut down a large scale operation like his.

That being said, it is not Highroller's responsibility to look out for the common sorter.

It is his job to crush his competition and reduce the options for folks who desire copper cents to acquire them. That way he can sell his. Like others have written in this thread, he provides a service some here find economical.

This media exposure is not going to make copper cents harder to acquire in circulation. The economic reality concerning the price of copper and the liquidity (melt ban falling) is what will make copper cents scarce. When the government just declares pennies obsolete banks wont carry them and penny sorting will be over. The structure of Highroller's operation will change dramatically.

AJ's original post was a little cryptic and I had to read it a few times to understand what his point was, but it was not insulting. If I were Adam I would not be offended by it. It was not offensive. Now he's a national penny sorting icon and will have to deal with much worse. AJs logic was not stupid or out of line. It makes some sense and you all need to face the fact that big news coverage will have unintended consequences. Everyone involved in the story are lucky it was somewhat accurate. Any news story I've ever been involved in was reported in a totally inaccurate manner.

On a side note Highroller got lucky, The reporting could have sucked and destroyed his business. You should not depend on news media for advertising. If you want ad time you buy ad time.

Good luck to you Highroller, I hope you get as rich as you want :mrgreen:
If I have the gift of prophesy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to move mountains but do not have love I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned but do not have love it profits me nothing.
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Postby inflationhawk » Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:28 pm

I think people can and will draw their own conclusions as to Andrew Jackson's intent and the type of person Andrew is. I think people will do the same with Highroller.
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Postby hobo finds » Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:35 pm

As stated the Nightline story and the earlier Newsweek article will not have much impact on pennie sorting. It looks like the banks with there fees, will. But when the gov changes the coin to steel or plastic or gets rid of the cent, thats when it will end. People will hord zinc :lol:
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Postby ed_vantage17 » Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:37 pm

s3p2 wrote:Hoarding pennies and hoping copper will reach $10 20 years from now is worth while. Hoarding pennies hoping to make $76 on $100 worth of pennies right now is desperate. I really think anyone sorting and selling now to make a little money is missing the boat.
I look for silver dimes because they are 10 cents but sell for $2.50. I look for copper pennies because they are 1 cent but may one day sell for 25 cents. NOT 3 CENTS!
if you are selling now, you are selling short.

I have to respectfully disagree with this point. From my personal experience I'm pulling 1.4X after all overhead is factored in. Making a 40% ROI on a two week investment (works out to an annualized return of 6299%) is worth giving up on a potential 25X on a 10+year investment (annualized return 37.9%). I don't think inflation can make such a big dent as to make sort/hold a more viable strategy, but I digress. This dead horse has been flogged to the point of non-recognition before and I'm not looking to debate this old chestnut again. As with any investment, you need two parties with opposite viewpoints. Otherwise there are no buyers or sellers.

Ferengi rule of acquisition #162: Even in the worst of times someone turns a profit.

My realcent feedback.

“Most Americans are getting hammered by high gas prices, yesterday oil hit a record high and politicians cannot do anything about it”. -- Bill O'Reilly April 23, 2008
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Postby s3p2 » Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:58 pm

I understand... it just depends on what you are looking for. I suppose I could spend hours each day sorting, listing and selling on ebay and at the end of the month have enough for my car payment. Oh, And don't forget the ebay fees which have gone WAY UP over the past few years. For hoarding to be worthwhile to me I am hoping prices go up years down the road for my kids.
How many people can you find today who are happy they sold of their dimes for 20 cents 40 years ago?
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Postby hobo finds » Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:05 pm

Before the show 1078 members (including AJ) ;)
Now 1083

Nightline comments before the show 11
Nightline comments after 41

I think it will still be OK...
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Postby cupronickel » Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:14 pm

I've been showing the 5 min video to anyone who will watch it on my iPhone. My favorite part is when he is picking up and dropping the pennies into the orange bucket and saying that real money has a different sound to it. What a great statement !
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Postby pennyguy » Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:22 pm

I have never worried about much competion of other sorters here locally.I may be the only
one in my county.
Because its just to much WORK for the AVERAGE JOE .Opening multible bank accounts ,having a
balance in all of the accounts, picking up pennies , sorting, then dumping . Repeat over
and over.Also having your frns tied up for god knows how long sitting in cans,plus the darn copper discs are heavy .After this story I will probably still be the only pennyguy in my county sorting .
But I'm having a lot of fun doing it. :D
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Postby JadeDragon » Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:32 pm

TheJonasCollegeFund wrote:I vote for a cage match! Winner gets the loser's copper!

While fun, the risk/reward ratio is a little off. Betting a few rolls against the results of a few rolling machines is hardly even.
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Postby JadeDragon » Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:37 pm

highroller4321 wrote:
Andrew Jackson wrote:8-)
Wow, this is an awesome example of group-think. Because I submit a post that you do not agree with, some on this forum like school yard children become charged with emotion! To the member that stated my comments were contrary to freedom, my goodness lad I was exercising freedom by sharing my opinion! We all don't have to be sheep-like and think the same do we? I appreciate any and all opposing views. As I am sure many are in agreement with the alternative view that I posted. Some may think its wise and safe to go on national television and expose their identity,and show the public the $300 face value buckets they have in the back shed. On the same report that confirms the looting of copper nation wide. I think that is irresponsible, that is my opinion and I really don't care if some don't agree or not! Wake up and use your common sense! As for Scotty TX it sounds like you've really taken my views personal, I am shaking, and now feel very uncomfortable about attending the penny collecting get together this year. If your ever passing through Northern New England don't hesitate to look me up. Send me a PM and I will give you contact information!
QUOTE"A majority is one man who is willing to take a stand" President Andrew Jackson.

This is not a group-think it is each peroson individually responding. You personally called me out, which was wrong, and that is why emotion has become involved. If you would have done what most of the adults on the forum would have done and simple disagreed with what I did than you will have a small group that supports your opinion. Doing personal attacks will get you no friends here. I am sorry that you have so much displaced emotion and I hope that you can take a step back and cool down. If you want to argue the fact that it was good or bad than that is fine. If you want to name call and put your emotions into a childish manner you will get a lot of backlash from members and maybe even have the admins step in and place a ban.

ThePowersThatBe are all over this thread. The only reason AJ has not been banned yet is the entertainment value of his posts and the greater entertainment value of the other members witty replies. If anyone is in danger of getting hurt, the copper rod is coming out.
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” – George Bernard Shaw.
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Postby Copper Catcher » Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:48 pm

TheJonasCollegeFund wrote:I vote for a cage match! Winner gets the loser's copper!

That should get us some national attention on ESPN!

A Cage Match....I want to buy tickets!

I hear it now....highroller4321 theme song: ;)
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Postby cesariojpn » Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:57 pm

TheJonasCollegeFund wrote:I vote for a cage match! Winner gets the loser's copper!

That should get us some national attention on ESPN!

Just remember, The 24 Hours of LeMons pays the winner in Nickels. :P
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Postby ScottyTX » Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:07 pm


.......but it was not insulting. If I were Adam I would not be offended by it. It was not offensive. .........was not stupid or out of line.

Thogey, ummm ummm. I can agree with some of this as I definately can see his point of view. I personally have an issue with the method of delivery of the message. Highroller is a grown man, like myself, and if someone were to talk to me/about me like this to make a point, it would make me a bit disgruntled. It very easy to make these points without the personal attacks.....I would be highly offended. This person was clearly pissed at Adam for the exposure from his previous rants and wanted to make his point loudly and personally, why else post what he did in that manner.

"Against logic there is no armor like ignorance. "
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Postby Thogey » Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:18 pm

You're probably right. I just spent too much time in the military and developed a thick skin.

The delivery just didn't make sense as written. I would not have done it like that....even to Beauanderos.
If I have the gift of prophesy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to move mountains but do not have love I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned but do not have love it profits me nothing.
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Postby Andrew Jackson » Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:44 pm

My vote goes to Scotty TX as the official Realcent group-think enforcement officer! Beware free thinkers the thought "opinion police" are here to persuade you that there is one and only one true way to think! War is peace, right is wrong, left is right. Thoegy and others thank you for input, weather you agree with me or not is not the point. The fact that you respect ones ability to express speech freely speaks volumes. All kidding aside this has been a very entertaining thread. At points I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. Thanks to all. The answer to 1984 is 1776 :D
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