Am I really crazy?

Forum for discussing any topic related to investing in, collecting and saving US, Canadian, UK, and other Copper Bullion Pennies for their metal content.

Re: Am I really crazy?

Postby VWBEAMER » Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:11 pm

Let me tell you a story. In 1998 my friend, a grown man, was buying and selling beanie baby's. Yes, those little stuff toys. at the time a beanie baby could go up in value from a few dollars to as much as a 100 or 200 bucks in just a few weeks People was making money of a kids toy.

Also at the time I was buying silver dollars. cheap. i was getting BU Morgan dollars for 12 -13 each. Buying 90% halfs for 2.50-3 bucks each. I bought a roll of common date peace dollars in BU for 200 bucks.

My friend thought I was crazy, and why not, he was making money on stuff toys and i was buying worthless old coins. But eventually what I thought would happen, happened, Beanie babies crashed, and my friends 2 or 3 thousand dollar collection was worth a few hundred over night.

I knew the coins would come back. First off, the supply of coins was limited. The supply of stuff toys was only limited to the amount Ty could make.
Second, the coins had metal value, even at the time it was small, but it was more than the fake fur and cotton the toys was made from.

At the time I questioned my investment, but the only regret I have is that I did not buy more, and I think your regret on pennies will be the same.

Yes, they made a ton of copper pennies, but they are not making anymore, but unlike those silver dollars I was buying, you are already getting the pennies for under melt. The best time to acquire something is when most others think they are worthless. There is no better time to collect pennies then NOW!

Everything eventually returns to it's intrinsic value. Stuff toys, paper money, silver dollars, copper pennies. Now , if you got a chance to trade a paper dollar for copper pennies knowing one day both are going to be valued based on the materials they are made of, shouldn't you be trading paper for copper as fast as you can?
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Re: Am I really crazy?

Postby shinnosuke » Wed Feb 20, 2013 4:32 am

VWBEAMER wrote:Let me tell you a story. In 1998 my friend, a grown man, was buying and selling beanie baby's. Yes, those little stuff toys. at the time a beanie baby could go up in value from a few dollars to as much as a 100 or 200 bucks in just a few weeks People was making money of a kids toy.

Also at the time I was buying silver dollars. cheap. i was getting BU Morgan dollars for 12 -13 each. Buying 90% halfs for 2.50-3 bucks each. I bought a roll of common date peace dollars in BU for 200 bucks.

My friend thought I was crazy, and why not, he was making money on stuff toys and i was buying worthless old coins. But eventually what I thought would happen, happened, Beanie babies crashed, and my friends 2 or 3 thousand dollar collection was worth a few hundred over night.

I knew the coins would come back. First off, the supply of coins was limited. The supply of stuff toys was only limited to the amount Ty could make.
Second, the coins had metal value, even at the time it was small, but it was more than the fake fur and cotton the toys was made from.

At the time I questioned my investment, but the only regret I have is that I did not buy more, and I think your regret on pennies will be the same.

Yes, they made a ton of copper pennies, but they are not making anymore, but unlike those silver dollars I was buying, you are already getting the pennies for under melt. The best time to acquire something is when most others think they are worthless. There is no better time to collect pennies then NOW!

Everything eventually returns to it's intrinsic value. Stuff toys, paper money, silver dollars, copper pennies. Now , if you got a chance to trade a paper dollar for copper pennies knowing one day both are going to be valued based on the materials they are made of, shouldn't you be trading paper for copper as fast as you can?

Great post, except for your signature. That was said by Benjamin Franklin.

I really like this:
Everything eventually returns to it's intrinsic value.
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them... (Thomas Jefferson)
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Re: Am I really crazy?

Postby theo » Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:12 am

VWBEAMER wrote:Let me tell you a story. In 1998 my friend, a grown man, was buying and selling beanie baby's. Yes, those little stuff toys. at the time a beanie baby could go up in value from a few dollars to as much as a 100 or 200 bucks in just a few weeks People was making money of a kids toy.

Also at the time I was buying silver dollars. cheap. i was getting BU Morgan dollars for 12 -13 each. Buying 90% halfs for 2.50-3 bucks each. I bought a roll of common date peace dollars in BU for 200 bucks.

My friend thought I was crazy, and why not, he was making money on stuff toys and i was buying worthless old coins. But eventually what I thought would happen, happened, Beanie babies crashed, and my friends 2 or 3 thousand dollar collection was worth a few hundred over night.

I knew the coins would come back. First off, the supply of coins was limited. The supply of stuff toys was only limited to the amount Ty could make.
Second, the coins had metal value, even at the time it was small, but it was more than the fake fur and cotton the toys was made from.

At the time I questioned my investment, but the only regret I have is that I did not buy more, and I think your regret on pennies will be the same.

Yes, they made a ton of copper pennies, but they are not making anymore, but unlike those silver dollars I was buying, you are already getting the pennies for under melt. The best time to acquire something is when most others think they are worthless. There is no better time to collect pennies then NOW!

Everything eventually returns to it's intrinsic value. Stuff toys, paper money, silver dollars, copper pennies. Now , if you got a chance to trade a paper dollar for copper pennies knowing one day both are going to be valued based on the materials they are made of, shouldn't you be trading paper for copper as fast as you can?

Yes, I remember it like it was yesterday. The great Beane Baby crash of '99. Those were dark days. It was second only to the Cabbage Patch collapse of '84. Talk about getting the stuffing torn out of your investment!!!! :)

Seriously, great story!
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