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Re: how many pennies will your bank sell to you at one time?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:24 am
by NHsorter
algae21 wrote:
johnbrickner wrote: Seems to be the only one local with a coin counter. They charge 2.5%. I consider it a cost of doing business so I don't have to roll so many. I dumped 10,K just to see what the reaction would be: A lot of extra little slips of paper filled out, a ledger line completed and no one acted like it was anything special. The new teller assured me there were worse kinds of paperwork she could be doing.

Not really, but he said that one guy brought in $32,000 worth one time. I asked him if they were all pennies..... and it was an affirmative "yes". He said the guy tied up the coin counter, and a teller, for the entire day and still didn't finish them all.

I call BS on that teller. How did the guy get over 10 tons there in 1 day? Correct me if my math is wrong.

But.... Now when you bring in a couple thousand at one time, you can always point to that teller and say "What the heck, he said a guy brought in 32K, so what's the big deal, I only brought 2K today"

Re: how many pennies will your bank sell to you at one time?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 7:28 pm
by brexzz1
I used to order 20 boxes a week from my bank in canada

Re: how many pennies will your bank sell to you at one time?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:49 am
by HoardCopperByTheTon
brexzz1 wrote:I used to order 20 boxes a week from my bank in canada

That's gotta hurt to go cold turkey after that. :mrgreen:

Re: how many pennies will your bank sell to you at one time?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:22 am
by johnbrickner
johnbrickner wrote: I dumped 10,K just to see what the reaction would be:

Just so there is no confusion, when I say "I dumped 10,K" that's 10,000 pennies. Were it 10,K dollars I would have written it as $10,K.

Oh yea, I'm just a little dog in the yard trying to chase after the tails of the Big Dogs. :D

Almost all my edits are spelling and grammar. A behavior modification placed in me by our thesis prof Dr. Jensen. The queen of the red pen.

Re: how many pennies will your bank sell to you at one time?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:28 pm
by scyther
johnbrickner wrote:
johnbrickner wrote: I dumped 10,K just to see what the reaction would be:

Just so there is no confusion, when I say "I dumped 10,K" that's 10,000 pennies. Were it 10,K dollars I would have written it as $10,K.

Oh yea, I'm just a little dog in the yard trying to chase after the tails of the Big Dogs. :D

Almost all my edits are spelling and grammar. A behavior modification placed in me by our thesis prof Dr. Jensen. The queen of the red pen.

Well that changes things a bit! I was thinking $10k dollars... I think my record penny dump is a little less than 30k. I did the same thing- bring in the most I was ever going to dump at once on the first time to see the reaction. They didn't have a problem with it :mrgreen:

Re: how many pennies will your bank sell to you at one time?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:03 am
by HoardCopperByTheTon
Yes, that does make it a lot easier. Heck, I have even dumped that much in a CoinStar (Fee free at my CU of course) :mrgreen:

Re: how many pennies will your bank sell to you at one time?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:05 am
by HoardCopperByTheTon
And to think I once got cut off from a bank in the early days for dumping a measly 300K in a week. :mrgreen:

Re: how many pennies will your bank sell to you at one time?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:13 pm
by fasteddy
Today my main PU bank has turned down the volume...Boo...One PU a month now, instead of twice a week. No special orders, access to in stock coin only...Houston = many more banks.

Re: how many pennies will your bank sell to you at one time?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 2:35 am
by HoardCopperByTheTon
That's why you have to constantly develop new sources Eddy. At one of my new ones I got 2 boxes last week. I ordered 10 for this week. They apologized that they were only able to order me 9 and they won't get there until Tuesday. They were able to come up with 3 boxes for me today to tide me over though.. 1 new one and 2 circ ones.

At another bank.. the one I got cut off at years ago.. early in the game.. for overdumping (Never dump $3K in pennies in a single week at one branch).. I have been dropping by every now and then for a drive-by and talking them out of 2 boxes and a stack of coin shipment bags. Today I asked for some boxes (not specifying an exact number) of pennies and handful of shipment bags. She asked how many I wanted. I asked how many could I have? She said "As many as you want" Woohoo.. the magic phrase! So I said I want 24 boxes. So she checks in the back.. and alas, they do not have a spare 24 boxes.. but she is able to spare 4 boxes and starts talking about ordering more pennies. If she had those 24 boxes today, she would have given them to me and I would have been loading up the squeeky wheeled cart. It would certainly have been a new record for me for a drive-by with no preorder. Now I will most likely be getting at least 4 boxes every time I stop by.. and after some chocolate to show my appreciation I think I may be able to eventually get them online as another major source bank good for up to 24 boxes a week. :mrgreen: