The Future Canadian Vacation Project

Forum for discussing any topic related to investing in, collecting and saving US, Canadian, UK, and other Copper Bullion Pennies for their metal content.

Re: The Future Canadian Vacation Project

Postby hammerrob » Tue May 24, 2016 6:01 pm

Morsecode: Wow, that is an amazing haul!

Lawsuit: If it ever went anywhere I would not participate. The machines were spot-on most of the time, and my experience was that errors were in my favor more often than against me.

This Thread: We still have some rolled coins, so I guess we'll go through them, run them through Coinstar, and that will be the end. Hopefully we find something interesting in those rolls. It's tempting to keep sorting, but there's only so much money we need on Amazon gift cards!
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Re: The Future Canadian Vacation Project

Postby hammerrob » Fri May 27, 2016 9:05 pm

We're going to spend the next few weeks winding down the unopened rolls we have and that will be it. With no Penny Arcade available, we'll only be reporting sorting results from here on out.

Sorting take: 16 cents / 16%, including 42 ... Nickels - 1943P, 1940D

Find of Week: Pretty nice find to kick off the last few weeks, 43P War Nickel
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Re: The Future Canadian Vacation Project

Postby hammerrob » Sat Jun 04, 2016 11:38 am

I think we only have about 2-3 weeks of unsorted rolls left!

Sorting take: 30 cents / 30%, including 45, 69S ... Nickels - 1941 sent back to coinstar

Find of Week: Nothing too interesting from sorting this week, so instead we've got a picture of a zinc-plated cent that I got in change ... instead of dime, hey, they shorted me 9 cents!
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Re: The Future Canadian Vacation Project

Postby hammerrob » Sat Jun 18, 2016 1:12 pm

This is the final post for this thread. Over the past couple weeks we sorted three weeks worth of coins, without finding anything particularly interesting. This has been fun, but we kind of knew TDBank would eventually turn it's back on the Penny Arcade. We were tempted to keep going with Coinstar, but the whole goal was to accumulate Canadian, and it was fun getting the coins from other random countries (both things that the Penny Arcade offered that Coinstar doesn't). Anyway, here's the final tally:

Sorting take: 66 cents / 22%, including 52D ... Nickels - 39, 57D sent back to Coinstar

Find of Week: The 1939 isn't THAT unusual, but it's the best we came up with in the last batch!
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