highroller4321 wrote:adagirl wrote:As a newbie, I wonder if holding on to the zinc pennies will also turn out to be profitable one day. It may be many years or decades ahead, but it seems to me that zinc pennies are being overlooked. What do you guys think?
Yes, someday zinc pennies will once again be worth of face value. Right now in time though why save a zinc that is woth less than face when you can save a copper that is worth 2+ times face.
I agree with highroller completely...with the % coppers still being what they are, convert what you have available for cent investing from FRNs to copper cents would be the way to go. I wouldn't tie up any money in zinc as long as I can get Cu at todays availability. Someday when Cu dries up in circulating coinage and Zn is going above $ .01 would be the time to consider Zn...but not now.