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PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:37 am
by Andrew Jackson
Well its official, the news is out and highroller and friends are "famous for a day" look daddy I'm famous as the joyous cries echo in the warehouse of his parents armored truck business. I told you I'd make it someday dad. Yes son were proud of you but you should not have given the dollar amount of your hoard, that is not alot of money for a large business and may affect your long term reputation. Gee wizz dad I know but I was so excited. Another thing,its quite possible that this could go viral and it could impact the sorting efforts of your friends on REALCENT. No worries pops I got mine. I just told those guys on Realcent that this would help the copper market. I understand son but an important law of business is Loose lips sink ships. We nicknamed you highroller because your always rolling the dice and taking risk, someday your we would like to pass on the family business to you so you can make real money. But were afraid you will be apt to give the company secrets to the competition. Let's see how this mess pans out after the dust settles. I just hope that you can keep your ship afloat and haven't sunk the entire Navy's fleet!


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:48 am
by natsb88
Are you cranky because YOU weren't featured in the story? :lol:

Who in their right mind would decline free national media coverage of their business? It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for promotion, and will help everybody when it comes time to sell. What's the point of stacking copper cents if you can't find anybody to buy them? They are currently trading at about half of melt, when they ought to be within a few percent of spot like less-pure junk silver trades for everyday. This is all part of operating in a free market. The enterprising individuals and businesses that put the work into promoting the product should be the ones that reap the benefits.


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:50 am
by TXBullion
I give highroller and henrysmedford a great two thumbs up. Sure some might not agree. Everyone knows the time is limited, but everyone is so concerned about getting copper at face. Well you better get buying before its all gone. Ironically there are only a handful of buyers. Didnt make sense to me for a long time. I say let there be a run on banks, that make my copper at the portlandmint that much more valuable and I can realize a profit


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:52 am
by highroller4321
natsb88 wrote:Are you cranky because YOU weren't featured in the story? :lol:

Who in their right mind would decline free national media coverage of their business? It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for promotion, and will help everybody when it comes time to sell. What's the point of stacking copper cents if you can't find anybody to buy them? They are currently trading at about half of melt, when they ought to be within a few percent of spot like less-pure junk silver trades for everyday. This is all part of operating in a free market. The enterprising individuals and businesses that put the work into promoting the product should be the ones that reap the benefits.

+1 Nate!

Andrew you may be upset at the situation now but you will be thanking me when you can cash your hoard in for close to melt value instead of half or less!


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:19 pm
by Andrew Jackson
Did you see the desperate people grabbing copper from wherever they could to feed there families!
I hope your right that your business promotion will help all of us common sorters. Its just with a worldwide economic depression looming I'm. Having a hard time buying it. Do you think this will actually help smaller sorters? What if any dump fees do you for see. I understand from your perspective it will help your profitability . But I can't see the benefit for the smaller or new sorter. I'd like to point out that all comments on this topic so far are from copper dealers. So if the smaller investor can no longer find cents in circulation they could always purchase from any of these fine vendors.
just my two cents.


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:30 pm
by Nickelmeister

Settle down...


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:33 pm
by barrytrot
natsb88 wrote:will help everybody when it comes time to sell. What's the point of stacking copper cents if you can't find anybody to buy them?

"Andrew Jackson", I'm not a dealer, so hopefully my "opinion" counts in your "opinion":

I edited the reply above to show you how this GREATLY helps any copper sorter.

The market value goes up substantially.

Also, just because what you classify a big business is hundreds of millions it doesn't mean that a very nice living can't be made off far less. You have shown tremendous ignorance in your comments and you should learn a little about running a business before you disparage someone willing to take the risks necessary to do so.

Also: hundreds of thousands of CASH ON HAND is actually FAR MORE than many very large businesses.

Highroller and others here have done 100 times more for this hobby/business than non-pros like me will ever do and I applaud and thank them for their efforts! And I wish them every reward for those efforts!


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:47 pm
by daviscfad
I am not a dealer of copper. I actually buy a decent amount from Highroller and others. WHY you might ask. B.c I dont have time between God, working a full time job, girlfriend, house,working on hotrod and getting myself into the Coin world takes up most of it. The way i see it I can buy from them at a good price and i still hoard and have time to do other things. I actually Like the fact that awareness is getting brought in to the LIMELIGHT


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:49 pm
by Market Harmony
Andrew Jackson wrote:8-)
Well its official, the news is out and highroller and friends are "famous for a day" look daddy I'm famous as the joyous cries echo in the warehouse of his parents armored truck business. I told you I'd make it someday dad. Yes son were proud of you but you should not have given the dollar amount of your hoard, that is not alot of money for a large business and may affect your long term reputation. Gee wizz dad I know but I was so excited. Another thing,its quite possible that this could go viral and it could impact the sorting efforts of your friends on REALCENT. No worries pops I got mine. I just told those guys on Realcent that this would help the copper market. I understand son but an important law of business is Loose lips sink ships. We nicknamed you highroller because your always rolling the dice and taking risk, someday your we would like to pass on the family business to you so you can make real money. But were afraid you will be apt to give the company secrets to the competition. Let's see how this mess pans out after the dust settles. I just hope that you can keep your ship afloat and haven't sunk the entire Navy's fleet!

Hey AJ, how are you today? The other side of the bed would have been better...

What have you done to promote the copper penny market? I would take the bet that it is nothing of significance. HR has been at this longer than most anyone here. He is one of the biggest promoters of the copper penny market. To insinuate that his actions would have negative consequences is showing a limited vision on your end. There is a bigger picture, and you are focusing on who signed the painting.

How smart would you feel when you have nobody to sell your mountain of pennies after all that hard work to pull them from circulation? The fact is that you need guys like highroller to be the market big dog. You should cheer him and his capitalistic efforts. This is still a free country, and you can build your own empire however you want. But it makes me sick to my stomach when I read crap like you wrote. It offends a mind based on liberties, freedom, and ethics of hard work. How dare you try to bring down someone who has accomplished more than you! What do you have to say about Edison, Gates, Jobs, Buffet, Trump, Combs, Slim, Branson... oh wait, I don't really want to know.


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:52 pm
by barrytrot
Market Harmony wrote:oh wait, I don't really want to know.

+1 on MH's whole speech, +100 on this last part :)


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:01 pm
by AGgressive Metal
How about congratulating highroller for having an awesome copper penny business instead of talking down to him like you are an authority on copper pennies? Maybe you are jealous you haven't been contacted by hedge funds?


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:04 pm
by s3p2
If you are ready to cash in your hoard now than this publicity is great to find buyers. I have a normal job and sort pennies for fun in my free time. I don't see going though all the work to cash them in for current rates. Im in this for the long haul. I see cashing them in 20 or 30 years from now when copper is valued higher as silver has done.
I think it is laughable to spend hours, days, months, years collecting pennies only to cash them in when prices are $3.60 per pound. The whole idea is to wait for copper to become more valuable.
my dad had a bunch of junk silver coins he sold in the 80's and he about fell over when I told him what they sell for on ebay now.


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:22 pm
by Rodebaugh
This will have minimal to no impact on percentages......only legislation can do that.


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:26 pm
by Corsair
Andrew Jackson wrote:8-)
Well its official, the news is out and highroller and friends are "famous for a day" look daddy I'm famous as the joyous cries echo in the warehouse of his parents armored truck business. I told you I'd make it someday dad. Yes son were proud of you but you should not have given the dollar amount of your hoard, that is not alot of money for a large business and may affect your long term reputation. Gee wizz dad I know but I was so excited. Another thing,its quite possible that this could go viral and it could impact the sorting efforts of your friends on REALCENT. No worries pops I got mine. I just told those guys on Realcent that this would help the copper market. I understand son but an important law of business is Loose lips sink ships. We nicknamed you highroller because your always rolling the dice and taking risk, someday your we would like to pass on the family business to you so you can make real money. But were afraid you will be apt to give the company secrets to the competition. Let's see how this mess pans out after the dust settles. I just hope that you can keep your ship afloat and haven't sunk the entire Navy's fleet!

u mad bro?

Seriously, though. If this story gets major, major attention, we win - more people interested in buying copper, because honestly, how many Average Joes are going to jump on board to buy a Ryedale and open relationships with half a dozen banks? If the story gets decent attention, which it has, we win - it's one small step towards general acceptance of either a melt ban being lifted or the penny being discontinued. Long story short: We win.

In the words of a wise man, "Just sort more." You can't lose that way. Imagine all the copper pennies you could have hoarded in the time it took you to pound on your keyboard and type your rant.


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:27 pm
by willy13
My only worry is that banks might get wind and start charging for coin on both ends. I am a hand sorter so I should be ok, but anyone who wants to keep feeding there rydale might run into issue. Only time will tell...


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:45 pm
by s3p2
Hoarding pennies and hoping copper will reach $10 20 years from now is worth while. Hoarding pennies hoping to make $76 on $100 worth of pennies right now is desperate. I really think anyone sorting and selling now to make a little money is missing the boat.
I look for silver dimes because they are 10 cents but sell for $2.50. I look for copper pennies because they are 1 cent but may one day sell for 25 cents. NOT 3 CENTS!
if you are selling now, you are selling short.


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:49 pm
by ScottyTX
+2 or whatever on Mike's post. I had much more vulgar and harsh words typed out several times and erased them...........Any chance you'll be making it to the get together this year AJ? I can say personal attacks and childish comments like yours above are way out of line against respected well-established members. There are a few others I would cheer you on about just to have some fun but ummmmm........ Yeah hoard all you want there buddy as you can still find them everywhere at face, who is going to buy them??.......Exactly! There are much better ways to go about discussing this topic than what was written above as you keep ranting about in the past. I for one may have just found a use finally for that "add a Foe" button.....



PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:57 pm
by DirtyFingers
AJ, if the stress from last Friday's Nightline is too much for ya, I'll gladly buy your penny hoard
off of you in order to relieve the strain.

At face.

Free shipping of course.



PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:03 pm
by slickeast
Most bank tellers think I am nuts. Most people who watch the story will think we are nuts. The story before the penny story was about 30 year old virgins. How many of the single guys on the forum got mad about that story? Is Nightline trying to take single woman out of your one night stand hookups? No, you thought "those people are crazy".

As far as the comment about selling for $176 is selling short. He has pennies coming to him all day. He can see a profit now and reinvest. I don't know many retail businesses seeing a 76% markup. Heck, grocery is less than 10%

Sort what you can, and hope the big dogs do the leg work so you will have buyers when you are ready to sell


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:08 pm
by SoFa
I agree with AJ. There are two sides to this: the dealers and the hoarders. Some folks are both.

This was great for the sellers. Free marketing.

But publicity does nothing for the guys trying to build a hoard, whether they're sorters or buyers.

It was a cool story though.


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:44 pm
by sparechange
Pennies at face will end for all of us sooner, or hopefully later. Must sort faster and stack higher. I enjoyed the story and congrats to the guys who can make an honest living moving REAL money around. As a small time sorter, I too hope to get the best bang for my time by selling to the guy who pays the most at the time of the sale. Hopefully it will be from some RCer who knows how to get top dollar, not only for himself but for me also. Most likely, my small hoard will go to the kids who hopefully are good stewards of what they get.


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:36 pm
by JadeDragon
The OP's post is one of the dumbest things I've ever read on realcent. I know a little bit about Highroller's business - enough to know that the OP's knowledge base about the business is even less than he saw on TV.

I liked the segment so much I've featured it in an article that will help more people see what real money is all about. It fit nicely with the NY Gold Panner story. Not many people will copy the idea but the market for all my coins just grew thanks to that story :)


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:26 pm
by ScottyTX
Andrew Jackson wrote:8-)
Did you see the desperate people grabbing copper from wherever they could to feed there families!

So i'm going to take a guess and say by this statement you believe some of these broke, cash strapped individuals..... Will be shortly calling up Andy and ordering a couple of ryedale's, have a dencent vehicle with a full tank of gas, and come up with 500-1000.00 of cash to be able to pruchase unsorted coin with........... This forum, IMHO, was set up to help promote and inform others about real money/hard assets and the benefits they provide. I imagine if you want a secret society that kicks dirt over any evidence that copper penny collecting/hoarding has ever taken place, then this public forum is obviously not for you.



PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:29 pm
by CU Baker
:roll: I do not like the fact AJ that you can assume that this is as bad as you think. Adam has put years of work into his business plan. The overhead on his operation is no small matter. Please take the time to visit our forum a little more, and see the contrabutions Highroller and Henry have made to make this a better place for the small time sorters.

Brinks sorting out five million for one person is a little more concerning for me because it will effect some of our friends here for awhile. So I guess if your afraid you will not get your fair share of the Cu, get off your ass get a couple more jobs, turn those FRN'S in, and just sort more. Then when you are a little more successful and are trying to help others with their hobby some dumb ass can bitch about you :evil: :evil: :evil: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:


PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:55 pm
by Andrew Jackson
Wow, this is an awesome example of group-think. Because I submit a post that you do not agree with, some on this forum like school yard children become charged with emotion! To the member that stated my comments were contrary to freedom, my goodness lad I was exercising freedom by sharing my opinion! We all don't have to be sheep-like and think the same do we? I appreciate any and all opposing views. As I am sure many are in agreement with the alternative view that I posted. Some may think its wise and safe to go on national television and expose their identity,and show the public the $300 face value buckets they have in the back shed. On the same report that confirms the looting of copper nation wide. I think that is irresponsible, that is my opinion and I really don't care if some don't agree or not! Wake up and use your common sense! As for Scotty TX it sounds like you've really taken my views personal, I am shaking, and now feel very uncomfortable about attending the penny collecting get together this year. If your ever passing through Northern New England don't hesitate to look me up. Send me a PM and I will give you contact information!
QUOTE"A majority is one man who is willing to take a stand" President Andrew Jackson.