How to best sort CDN CU with a Ryedale?

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How to best sort CDN CU with a Ryedale?

Postby TwoPenniesEarned » Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:14 pm

I just picked up my first Ryedale and am sorting CDN coppers. We've got a bunch of different pennies to sort for (see and I'm wondering what the best technique is? What should I set as my first master coin? Do I first cull the zincies and then sort the coppers or the other way around?

Any advice from the masters?
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Re: How to best sort CDN CU with a Ryedale?

Postby frugalcanuck » Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:57 pm

I am no master but I first put in a 1977 for my master coin and get the coppers. It will collect both US and CDN CU. After that I sometimes run a US zinclon if I want to seperate the American from the Canadian. That is completely unnecessary though. The Rydale wont seperate the different CU dates because they have the same composition just different weight. You could run the coppers through again after adjusting the little screw to make it more sensitive and sort out the American. I havent done this yet. When I run out of coins to go through the Rydale I hand sort the CU. That takes a long time and I am way backed up on that... getting farther backed up with every box.
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Re: How to best sort CDN CU with a Ryedale?

Postby TwoPenniesEarned » Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:00 pm

I find that the King George's are getting caught in the zincies. Anybody know how to separate them?
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Re: How to best sort CDN CU with a Ryedale?

Postby JadeDragon » Fri Oct 22, 2010 11:53 am

I sort Canadian cents with a 79 US penny in the comparator. That gives me a good copper keep. I've not been able to sort US Cu from Canadian CU with the Ryedale, so I just visually sort out the US CU and bag it separate.

I can sort US Zinc from Canadian Zinc and steel using a US Zinc standard. Does not work the other way around though. This made a little sense when the dollars were further apart.

As others pointed out you can't sort Canadian copper by weight, and it sells better by the pound anyway. I just watch for all the kings and pull them out. Beyond that a Cu Queen is just a Cu Queen to me.
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Re: How to best sort CDN CU with a Ryedale?

Postby misteroman » Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:37 pm

I use a 79 as well and every now and then I'll get an 82 or 83 canadian in the zincs. only those 2 yrs though. if you're just talking about keeping the us coppers separate from the canadian then just eye sort
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