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Verdigris and your hoard

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:52 am
by Coinage
How do you guys manage the green stuff? I have found myself becoming increasingly anal about it (since I hand sort) any copper that has a green speck.. Even if it's just a hint I store them separately. Am I paranoid? You guys with ryedales probably sort through so many cents its not worth picking through for the nasties ?

Re: Verdigris and your hoard

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:20 am
by galenrog
The evil green cancer can be controlled by reducing the humidity in your storage area. My safes each have a 40 watt stick heater to keep everything as dry as possible. Curing contaminated coins is a simple as putting them in a rock tumbler 2/3 full of cancerous coins, enough water to cover them completely with a few drops of liquid soap. Tumble for a hour or two and your coins should be clean. Dry thoroughly. Add to whichever stack they belong in.

Re: Verdigris and your hoard

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:41 am
by JadeDragon
I pull the worst ones out but don't sweat it too much. All coins are stored in a cool dry warm large vault with super duper security for the green slime tends to stay away.

Re: Verdigris and your hoard

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:36 am
by knibloe
MIne are stored in a wet humid basement. "Penny World" as the wife calls it. They are stored in plastic juice jugs. In theory, they should be air tight. I suppose I should look at one of the jugs some day.

I recently decided to start pulling ULgly Abes. We have a rock tumbler that has never been used. I figured it could be one more piece of equipment to add to the lineup.

Re: Verdigris and your hoard

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:34 am
by Dave
Any green or dirty ones go into a acetic acid soak for 2 days, a good soap and water rinse and they come out like new.

Re: Verdigris and your hoard

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:41 pm
by Mossy
I picked up a vibrating foot bath to use for cleaning brass picked up at the range ($2 at the 2nd hand store). Thinking about trying that for all sorts of things, including carburators.