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Project CENT 2.0

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:20 pm
by CoinHuntingObsession
The idea here is a census of the cents in circulation. I know that this has been done before, but this will be an ongoing project, constantly becoming more accurate.
You should search in $50 increments, recording the number of each date and mint mark. Also, include the following varieties:
1858 LL and SL (I know this is a long shot, but the goal here is to have 10,000,000 or more coins searched)
1873 Closed 3 and Open 3
1886 TI and TII
1922 Plain
1936 DDO-001
1944 D/S
1955 DDO-001
1960 PD LD, SD, and D mint SD over LD
1970S LD/SD and DDO-001
1972 DD0-001
1974 PDS LD and SD
1982 PD LD, SD; Cu, Zn
1983 DDR-001
1984 DDO-001
1988 P and D RDV-006
1992 PD CAM
1995 DDO-001
1998 WAM
1999 WAM
2000 WAM

Email me with your results for each $50 increment you search. I will keep the results from everyone on my computer in a table, and will publish them here at certain check points, those being 100,000 coins, 500,000 coins, 1,000,000 coins, and every million coins after that.

If I have too many varieties listed in the census, please let me know which ones you think should be cut.

I will be posting this in several other forums too.

Start Searching!


Re: Project CENT 2.0

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:14 pm
by uthminsta
You should read a little over in the TRACKING THREADS forum.

Re: Project CENT 2.0

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:28 pm
by CoinHuntingObsession
I know, but this is an inter-forum project, it is not just realcent. This is just to alert the members here of this. And I don't know any threads in the Tracking section that track the numbers of each date after 1940.
To the Administrators and Moderators:
if this needs to be moved to the tracking section, please do it.

Re: Project CENT 2.0

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:00 pm
by tractorman
To insure accuracy, your participants need to look for ALL of that stuff. I don't.