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Friendly Banks?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:24 pm
by bseballdude11
Hi everyone I just registered and this is my first post. Just wondering what you guys think are the best banks. I have a friendly union bank branch but they wont do boxes. My girlfriend gets boxes from B of A, but it seems every bank is a little irritated when you bring back forty rolls of the zincs rolled up. Any top bank picks?Thanks

Re: Friendly Banks?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:47 pm
by K9-TSN
bseballdude11, I use the TVA Credit Union.
(Tennessee Valley Authority Credit Union.)

That is my dump bank. They have a coin
return machine in their lobby.


Re: Friendly Banks?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:22 pm
by galenrog
Never make your supply bank your dump bank. It is like taking a crap in the kitchen. Only works once or twice. If they want you to bring back some rolls, fine. Only if your bank asks you to.

Like most here, I have supply banks and dump banks (credit unions, mostly). The two shall not mix!!! Read some of the horror stories that have been written.

That said, be up front about what you want and find the mix of branches that work for you.

Re: Friendly Banks?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:24 pm
by njoElec
Hey K9!
Since you're a member of the TVA Credit Union, do you work for TVA or a power company?

Re: Friendly Banks?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:31 pm
by bseballdude11
[quote="galenrog"]Never make your supply bank your dump bank. It is like taking a crap in the kitchen. quote]

learned that last week when I went to union bank and picked up 10 dollars in rolls I had already searched. felt like an idiot ha. thanks for your help though. and finding somewhere with a coin counting machine would be sweet. re rolling is no fun.

Re: Friendly Banks?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:26 pm
by TwoAndAHalfCents
Welcome aboard!!

Union Bank hasn't been particularly friendly when I get coins from them. I have an account there and they usually check to make sure I'm a customer before giving me coins. Chase on the other hand is always friendly. I have an account with them too but they almost never ask. Too bad they don't keep many pennies at their branches around here. If I want more than $25, they have to place an order.

Re: Friendly Banks?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:48 pm
by Cent1225
Get to know the tellers. I have one bank that saves all their bags for me and when I dump, they let me help them(get that) carry the bags to the vault and feed it into the machine. When the $50 bags are full, they mark them with my initials and only give me new bags without my initials. I get to watch the whole process. Also, If only $5-8 dollars of my dump fills a bag, I take it and the other $43-45 worth of good ones. Turns out one of my best bags of coppers, percentage wise, was from a bag with $5.43 of my dumps in it. Still had nearly 40% copper. I will always remember that $5.43 bag. Good Luck.

Re: Friendly Banks?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:12 pm
by bseballdude11
twoandahalfcents. my dad has an account at chase so ill have to go check that out. do they have coin counting machines?

Cent1225. that is legit! sounds like a pretty good setup you got there.

Re: Friendly Banks?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:18 am
by baggerman
bseballdude11 wrote:twoandahalfcents. my dad has an account at chase so ill have to go check that out. do they have coin counting machines?

Cent1225. that is legit! sounds like a pretty good setup you got there.

To my knowledge Chase does not have coin counters but they do order me 6 boxes a week.

Re: Friendly Banks?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:52 am
by getdong
Personally I don't like to use the credit unions. They are smaller, your essentially taking money from the members and yourself. Use the big banks who charge tons of fees and make plenty of money.

As for which banks, I've found US Banks overall to be pretty good but for the most part I would say you can't really say Chase is good or B of A is good, I think it's all about each branch, the tellers, managers, etc.

Re: Friendly Banks?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:23 am
by TwoAndAHalfCents
bseballdude11 wrote:twoandahalfcents. my dad has an account at chase so ill have to go check that out. do they have coin counting machines?

Cent1225. that is legit! sounds like a pretty good setup you got there.

No coin couting machines at Chase or any of the other banks that I know of here on the west coast.

Re: Friendly Banks?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:59 am
by newton7
Go small. In all my searching I have discovered the smaller bank chains of 4 or 5 banks in a city instead of the big BoA or Chase or WF. The small guys have to pay to get their coins counted so they are more willing to sell them direct to the customers at face. My big banks all have a system that is state wide and you can not get bags and sometimes they dislike giving out boxes. For now, I will keep opening accounts at smaller brand banks and tapping their supply of bag coins. No boxes means no unrolling, yea!

Good luck.