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Returning Penny Bag Question

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 2:12 am
by Robarons
I currently return pennies in the $50 plastic bags to the bank that get sent off to be counted. And likewise get counted and added to my account.
I assume this is the process everyone that returns zincs in these bags takes.

For years I would sort these pennies and pull out the magnetic Canadian pennies. Being so close to Canada there is ALOT of Canadian coins in our change at all denominations. I assume that when they count these coins anything magnetic will be pulled out, as with most sorters in bank lobbies that have a powerful magnet to pull out steel coinage.

For Canadian pennies 1997-to present that arent steel are just normal zincs. Does anyone know that these facilities (Brinks, NF String, etc) pull out the zinc coins (hence wont get counted toward my total) or if they just stay in counted like normal pennies?

I base this claim on the fact that when searching NF string rolls for nickels I never find .999 Nickel or Steel Canadian, but a lot of CuNi Canadian.

Looking for some help on this one!

Re: Returning Penny Bag Question

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:23 am
by doug
I do the same with the steel Canadian pennies too. I do get the zincs in the Brinks rolls so they do not seperate them out here either.