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It's on... in the Northeast UPDATE

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:15 pm
by atticus
The super sorter that is.

I live in the northeast and got $5 in Stringer rolls from Sam's Club today. I like to hit these types of places on bank holidays, because it's easy to say, "I need pennies for my restaurant, and I missed the bank today". Since I'm spending a few hundred on product, they're pretty eager to hand over $5 or $10 without any guff. Did pretty well with these, about 32% with a few wheats including a 1930.

Anyway, I stopped at a gas station on the way home and noticed a couple of quarters beside the pump. The restaurant excuse works for these places too in general and I've gotten some decent rolls from this place in the past, usually Stringer rolls, or CWR's, so I figured it was a good opportunity for a free roll. I reluctantly took the plastic Brinks roll from them, since there were people behind me. Sure enough, a skunk.

Now, I'm not too far from NHSorter, I think, but certainly far enough that we're not stepping on each others toes, or getting dumps from each other. Also, since it was a Brink's, I'm assuming it was from Boston. Something's definitely up, which is currently being discussed in other threads. Just wanted to say I'm seeing it here too, but only with the plastic rolls, not the paper Stringer rolls.

Anyone have any insight/opinion?


Re: It's on... in the Northeast

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:41 pm
by NHsorter
Yup, plastic skunks for me still up here but still rocking some good copper out of the string and loomis rolls.

Re: It's on... in the Northeast

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:53 pm
by tinhorn
Man, I stopped buying Brink boxes. I've been skunked with two boxes of paper-wrapped rolls recently--one was a String box and the other was the new generic-looking Loomis box. Both had a standard-looking mix of old and new pennies, but they were nearly all zinc (1.6% coppers).

Re: It's on... in the Northeast

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:26 am
by misteroman
I'm thinking by the end of 2012 that the average will be around 10% if not less. Too many bigger hands getting involved and more and more people with money looking at a pretty solid investment. I was actually considering selling a couple of my larger properties and do a similar deal to that guy that bought the 5 million worth over 2 yrs from brinks but considering I'll be going back to work in a couple months so my time would be more limited, plus the loss of profit generated over the next few years if I sold the property It didnt really make sense. plus I wasnt really looking foward to hand sorting 8-10 hrs a day to pull out what I would really need to make it most profitable.(wheats,canadians,etc) but who knows what the future will bring.

Re: It's on... in the Northeast

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:30 pm
by hammerrob
In NJ I've stopped getting rolls from the banks that serve them up in the plastic ... I've been pretty consistently skunked with them since November. Paper wrapped rolls remain pretty consistent at about 30%.

Re: It's on... in the Northeast

PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:20 am
by Mtl325
In Philly. Brinks boxes from td are still near 30% for me. Not looking forward to this legendary super sorter impacting my rate of return!

Re: It's on... in the Northeast (UPDATE)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:11 pm
by atticus

So it's been a bit since this last post. Recently, I saved up enough dump Zincs to buy my first box. I went to the bank across the street (it's a larger "chain" bank) from my restaurant, and all they had were Brink's boxes. I hemmed and hawed about it, but decided to see what would happen. I opened the box at the counter to make sure that it wasn't all shiny. It wasn't, so I took the box home, figuring the least I would get would be an education.

I got 32% copper, a bunch of canadians, 17 wheats (1-1918) and a bunch of 1982's to test out later.

I'm in the midst of my second box (same bank) and am seeing decent numbers too. Might try my CU to swap out a box of zinc's, since they have mostly CWR, but then again, it's more convenient to just go across the street, and I'm not about to sneer at 32%!!



Re: It's on... in the Northeast

PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:55 pm
by Cent1225

Ask them if you can purchase the $50 bags that come off of their coin counter.
That is what people bring in and you wont have to open the rolls.
Good Luck.

Re: It's on... in the Northeast UPDATE

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:56 am
by Dave
That's funny because I usually get @ 23% from the plastic rolls, a bit down from my average, but I have never been skunked from them.

Re: It's on... in the Northeast UPDATE

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:17 pm
by misteroman
Did a handsort last week and average 28.5 up here in WNY. Strings box from wells fargo.
If I could only get plastic wrapped boxes I would quit so fast!!! I still have some from 09 I havent opened yet and possibly 08 lol

Re: It's on... in the Northeast UPDATE

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:20 pm
by willy13
I have not been skunked yet by Brinks rolls from Rochester, NY area. Though Brinks is not my main source for cents.

Re: It's on... in the Northeast UPDATE

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:28 pm
by mnymgr1
I turned in pennies yesterday. out of $160 total sorted, kept 31% of them which seems pretty darn good to me. paper wraps, no plastic.
Gosh, some of these were the worst pennies ever though. I kinda think they had a container of rejects at whatever coin company and that somehow got dumped back into circulation.
Really bad, unrecognizable pennies, hundreds of them out of my $500 that I picked up yesterday. I try to pick these out before they hit the ryedale.