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specific storage question

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:06 pm
by atticus
hi all,

any cons involved with storing cents in those plastic coffee jugs? i know there's some stuff out there about pvc causing damage over long periods, but these aren't pvc, right?

i've gone through the multitude of storage threads here and can't find much. i'm not trying to start yet another of these, just curious if anyone had any experience/insights on these particular vessels.

i had also posted in the rather long storage thread about thoughts on coating coins with a very light film of gun oil/synthetic silicon etc for long term storage. any thoughts on that?

thanks in advance,

Re: specific storage question

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:26 pm
by tinhorn
Check the recycling code number, then google for the list. I doubt the coffee jugs are PVC.

I haven't read the other thread, so I don't know what's posted there. I ran one test of coins, though, tumbled with a drying/polishing medium containing powdered carnauba wax. I placed several treated and untreated coins outside about 100 yards from the ocean where they were subjected to yucky, salty air. After ten-days there was much corrosion on the untreated coins, but nearly none (one coin showed a speck of green) on the waxed coins.

Re: specific storage question

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:32 pm
by bgretz1989
coffe jugs are hdpe products

Re: specific storage question

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:32 pm
by 68Camaro
I can see it now:

CuX wax for cents.

Re: specific storage question

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 5:13 pm
by Rubbadubba
bgretz1989 is correct; most coffee containers are HDPE (high density polyethylene) and not PVC (polyvinyl chloide). Part of the reason PVC is not so good is because it is loaded with plasticizers (i.e. synth. oils that can migrate to a coin surface and chemically affect it. HDPE is a more "pure" plastic with few additives and no plasticizers. I personally cut down "Folgers" boxes to about 85-90 mm height and load them with penny rolls in standup position. They hold 45 perfectly and the cover still fits on the cut down box since it's about the same diameter from top to bottom. They store nicely and will not affect coin/penny/nickel quality. I work with and have a degree in plastic/rubber materials.... hence "rubbadubba". I hope this helps put your concerns at ease.

Re: specific storage question

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 5:28 pm
by atticus
Thanks to all for the responses!!! looks like i've found my storage containers.

Re: specific storage question

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:00 am
by bgretz1989
well rubbadubba i might not have a degree in the field but its my line of work too! not sure what you do with them but i am in on the recycling end of things. sure is a booming buisness!

Re: specific storage question

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:13 am
by jacer333
Plastic coffee containers were my first storage when I started sorting. Then I evolved to the large kittle litter pails. Finally, I have moved all of my hoard into heavy duty, sealed plastic bank bags. I keep $50 face in each bag. I am really comfortable with these for my long-term storage as they completely seal the coins in from any contaminants, are fairly easy to transport, and give me an exact count of how many pennies I am sitting on.

Re: specific storage question

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:50 am
by Silver Addict
jacer333 wrote:I have moved all of my hoard into heavy duty, sealed plastic bank bags. I keep $50 face in each bag. I am really comfortable with these for my long-term storage as they completely seal the coins in from any contaminants, are fairly easy to transport, and give me an exact count of how many pennies I am sitting on.

I do the same thing, except I first put the pennies in USPS Tyvex envelopes (double bag them). I put $25 FV per envelope, and 2 envelopes per bank bag.

Re: specific storage question

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:44 am
by robroy
The only durable storage containers that I have is brink boxes wrapped brink boxes in duct tape. the only other solution that I have is 30 cal ammo cans that hold 188 nickle rows. Brink boxes are a standard size that I already have 13 boxes ducked wrapped. 30 caliber cans have the benefit of handles and are not as heavy as the 50 caliber boxes to lug around. Anybody have a comment about duct wrapping brink boxes. After they are reqular sizes, stable and consistent shapes. The only draw back that I can see with the brink boxes is the last of handles Bank bags seem to be unslable to move and stack for long term storage. I feel that both boxes metal and cardbord are stable when stacked in layers..

Any comments or am I seeing things wrong. Keep in mind 50 cal boxes a heavy buy but make great lond term storage of ammonitionl

Re: specific storage question

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:56 am
by mishra142
My storage evolution went coffee containers - large cat litter containers (which I still use for short term storage) - 5 gallon buckets made from the HDPE (they are pretty cheap at walmart / lowes) and the lids seal pretty well. Of course I throw a few moisture absorbent packets in there as well.

Re: specific storage question

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:39 pm
by SilverEye
Those 5 gal buckets hold about $200 worth, right? I'm thinking I'd like to have 5 or 10 of those tucked away in the back of the garage.

Re: specific storage question

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:34 am
by jacer333
Silver Addict wrote:
jacer333 wrote:I have moved all of my hoard into heavy duty, sealed plastic bank bags. I keep $50 face in each bag. I am really comfortable with these for my long-term storage as they completely seal the coins in from any contaminants, are fairly easy to transport, and give me an exact count of how many pennies I am sitting on.

I do the same thing, except I first put the pennies in USPS Tyvex envelopes (double bag them). I put $25 FV per envelope, and 2 envelopes per bank bag.

Nice, I like the twist you added with the tyvex envelope would be nice to have the hoard divided into $25 blocks if need be too. I'd hate to destroy the bags I have sealed so far, but might try your method from here out! :)