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The psychosis is worsening

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:55 pm
by GGerrands
Penny madness! I was out of town on a shopping trip to a big(ger) city with many, many banks. Armed with a list of banks & google maps, after just 2 hours and 20 miles on the jeep, I came home with $460 in unsorted rolls. A couple of bank personnel looked at me like I was crazy or criminal, but some were nice and I was able to get all I could afford with less than half the banks on the list. Goal for next time: $1000!

Note to self...look up payload capacity of vehicle.

Re: The psychosis is worsening

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:05 pm
by Hawkeye
Nice. I need to start doing that. How do you approach getting change at a bank at which you don't have an account? Do you just go in and ask for pennies?

Payload capacity on my Cherokee is 1150 lbs, which works out to $1,667.50 - in copper pennies, of course :)

Re: The psychosis is worsening

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:45 pm
by Copper Catcher
GGerrands wrote:Penny madness! I was out of town on a shopping trip to a big(ger) city with many, many banks. Armed with a list of banks & google maps, after just 2 hours and 20 miles on the jeep, I came home with $460 in unsorted rolls. A couple of bank personnel looked at me like I was crazy or criminal, but some were nice and I was able to get all I could afford with less than half the banks on the list. Goal for next time: $1000!

Note to self...look up payload capacity of vehicle.

It gets start talking to yourself and laughing and smiling when you find wheat pennies. Then out of no where it happens and you find one of the lost tribe members i.e. an Indian Head Penny! Then the maddenss really kicks in! 8-)

Re: The psychosis is worsening

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 9:44 pm
by baggerman
Hawkeye wrote:Nice. I need to start doing that. How do you approach getting change at a bank at which you don't have an account? Do you just go in and ask for pennies?

Payload capacity on my Cherokee is 1150 lbs, which works out to $1,667.50 - in copper pennies, of course :)

When I go to a bank that I do not have an account at I just go in and ask for a $25 box of pennies. Lots of times they say "our pennies are in bags but we can open the bag if you like" I decline and buy the $50 bag of rolls.

Re: The psychosis is worsening

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:28 am
by knibloe
Hawkeye wrote:Nice. I need to start doing that. How do you approach getting change at a bank at which you don't have an account? Do you just go in and ask for pennies?

You just go in like you belong there, say hello to the teller, smile and ask if you can buy $xxx of pennies. I usually ask for $20. If they bring out a box I say I'll take the whole thing. If they act like they are overloaded with them, I ask if they have a surplus that they want to get rid of. I rarely get turned down.

The other day i asked for $20 and it was very evident that they had more to get rid of I came away with $40 (shame on me for not having more money in my wallet).

Yesterday I went in to pick up a bag, and the woman getting them out of the vault told me that they have lots of rolled cents. I walked away with two boxes of rolled cents as well. I have been picking up at this bank for almost 4 years. I don't have an account there. I offered one time, but they said it wasn't necessary.

Re: The psychosis is worsening

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:31 am
by willy13
It is hard for me to drive by a bank and not stop to ask...

Re: The psychosis is worsening

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:51 pm
by NHsorter
willy13 wrote:It is hard for me to drive by a bank and not stop to ask...

Yes, I agree. Luckily most of them are closed on my commute to work and back.

Re: The psychosis is worsening

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:18 pm
by Hawkeye
I'm probably on a different sorting level than most of you guys. I'm a mere hand sorter who does the equivalent of about a box a week. I have accounts at 2 banks with a total of 6 branches within driving distance, so I've never really had a problem with needing new sources... so far. But, if and when I decide to step up to the big leagues, I'll remember this.

Re: The psychosis is worsening

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:25 pm
by NHsorter
Hawkeye wrote:I'm probably on a different sorting level than most of you guys. I'm a mere hand sorter who does the equivalent of about a box a week. I have accounts at 2 banks with a total of 6 branches within driving distance, so I've never really had a problem with needing new sources... so far. But, if and when I decide to step up to the big leagues, I'll remember this.

Give it time. I think most of us started small. Hand sorting cents is the 'gateway' hobby.

Re: The psychosis is worsening

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:35 pm
by SilverEye
NHsorter wrote:Give it time. I think most of us started small. Hand sorting cents is the 'gateway' hobby.


A humble handsorter here, that keeps eyeballing those Rydale units..