Is it possible to use a magnet to sort pennys?

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Is it possible to use a magnet to sort pennys?

Postby luke1988 » Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:07 pm

I know that a copper penny wont stick to a fridge magnet but copper is a diamagnetic metal which means it is weakly repelled by magnetism more then other metals like zinc, if exposed to a powerful magnet such as a neodymium rare earth magnet a copper penny should be repelled? anyone here ever try this?
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Re: Is it possible to use a magnet to sort pennys?

Postby HoardCopperByTheTon » Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:17 am

There was a thread on the old board about this. A guy had developed a machine that was actually able to sort them when they rolled down a ramp, passed by the magnets and arced through the air. It was a bit trickier than just using a Ryedale. :mrgreen:
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Re: Is it possible to use a magnet to sort pennys?

Postby Roadrunner » Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:58 pm

Hoard, do you ever sleep?!? 3:17 am! :shock:

I guess you are on the west coast...
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Re: Is it possible to use a magnet to sort pennys?

Postby Gumby_5 » Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:59 pm

Interesting. A magnet that strong might be bad to have around with all the electronics people have these days.

Do any of you know where a person can get the coin sorter device with plug in that you have to build a box for? I see them on ebay for about 50 bucks but surely there is another place to buy them or the sellers supply would run out rather quickly.

Re: Is it possible to use a magnet to sort pennys?

Postby AGCoinHunter » Fri Oct 29, 2010 10:33 pm

Isnt that the premise behind the "Ace" by Ryedale? A magnet? If so, it works.
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Re: Is it possible to use a magnet to sort pennys?

Postby Two Alpha » Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:40 am

I use a "Heavy Hitter" sluice magnet on my Canadian rolls, it allows for very quick removal of all the post 1999 copper clad steel coins. Also works great with Canadian nickels, it leaves all the cupro-nickel coins behind.
The magnet is a huge time-saver for hand sorting but it will probably be redundant once I get a hopper/feeder set up with my two el cheapo comparators.
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