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Helpful Trick For A Reluctant Dump Bank

PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:18 pm
by crazypennyguy
I had to dump twelve boxes of pennies at my usual dump branch, but I got stopped. The manager said the branch couldn't take them because their vault was filled with the pennies I had already cashed in there.

Since the head office charges them to move out pennies from their vault, they made it clear to me that they would be passing the charge on to me.

That left me with a bit of a challenge. Here's how I got rid of those pennies, which you can use if you're having trouble dumping:

I went to another branch of the same bank and tried my luck there. Only this time, I used a trick that got the pennies off my hand:

I have a Visa card through the same bank I was using as my dump bank. So, at this second branch, I put on my best financially-embarrassed look and said I wanted to pay down that credit card with the pennies. Since it was their card, they took them!

It's a workable sneak, which you may want to use if you're pinched.

By the way: I regret to say this, but I won't be able to respond to this thread for a few or several days. This other thread explains why.

Re: Helpful Trick For A Reluctant Dump Bank

PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:05 pm
by baggerman
I have one bank that doesn't care much for coins so I always tell them I would like to deposit the coins in my account.

Re: Helpful Trick For A Reluctant Dump Bank

PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:37 pm
by Night Hawk
When I first started metal detecting I took in about $150 in quarters, dimes and nickles to cash in, at first the teller tried telling me that I couldn't bring in that much change (they don't have a counter so I had it rolled up) I asked her if she was refusing to allow me to make a deposit into my account, she stalled for a second and took them.

Ever since then they don't even comment when I bring in my change.

Re: Helpful Trick For A Reluctant Dump Bank

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:49 pm
by knibloe
I pay my morgage and credit card on a regular basis with my dumps. I mostly use halves, but lately I have been adding a box of pennies into the mix as well. I tried to take in two boxes of halves the and two boxes of pennies the other day, but didn't think that I could get the door open w/o dropping them so I had to settle for only one box of cents. :oops: :oops: This is what my face looked like once I hoofed it in there.