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copper box weight

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:16 pm
by atticus

can someone tell me the average weight of a full box of coppers? i've seen it here before and forgot to write it down.

sorry for the redundancy


Re: copper box weight

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:21 pm
by atticus
around 17 pounds?

Re: copper box weight

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:56 pm
by Elcid69
Coppers =17#,4oz.
Zinc =14#,1oz.
Copper roll 155.5 grams
Dud roll 125 grams
each CU 3.11 gr
Z 2.5 gr.
I,m sure this is all+-
Bought a 25 # postal meter on Ebay , seems to work for me.

Re: copper box weight

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:59 pm
by Elcid69
Has anyone here ever asked the same question twice here before???? O.K. , you can all put your hands down now!!

Re: copper box weight

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:47 pm
by Cent1225
I have been keeping track of the weight of $25 Brinks boxes for some time.

15 lbs is the threshold and will give you about 23-25% or an average of $6.25 in copper.
For each ounce more or less than 15 lbs, you get about 35-43 cents more or less of copper cents

It is amazing what a few ozs one way or the other will or will not produce since the extra oz is only the difference between 3.1 g copper versus the 2.5 g zinc or only .6 g per each copper cent.
With 28.35 grams per oz. it should be about 47 cents and probably would be if all the pennies (copper and zinc) were brand new, but with the wear on the older pennies and with less wear on the new ones, it seems it is a little less somehow.

If you ever find a 15.5 lb or above box, enjoy it. If you get a 14.1 lb, you have a box of brand new ones.

Hope this helps.

Re: copper box weight

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:57 pm
by csb3tennessee
Yep- what Elcid69 said concurs with my measurements. I guess it depends on how you define "box". When I think of a box , I'm thinking a CTU, which is going to be right at 68 lbs. A $50 bag of coppers will be right at 34 lbs, and a $25 Brink
box will be right at 17 lbs. Hope this helps and doesn't create any confusion!

Re: copper box weight

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:46 pm
by atticus

thanks a lot, this more than answers my question. it's good to know the weight of a $50 bag as well as i'll be tackling that soon and am curious as to what i find on that.

you're the best!!


Re: copper box weight

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:26 pm
by robroy
The heaviest weighted box of pennies that I've ever found weighed in a 16# and that was CWR's and that happened only once. The usual weight of either a Brink's or Loomis box of pennies is right around 14#'s on my bathroom scale. I don't recall ever having a heavier box from either of those two companies. This comes from SW FL.

If I ever got a box that weighed in at 17#'s I have to guess that someone's kid cashed in a box of minded pennies that he stole from his parents and needed his butt whacked but good. :lol:

Re: copper box weight

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:58 pm
by Cent1225
[quote]The heaviest weighted box of pennies that I've ever found weighed in a 16# and that was CWR's and that happened only once. The usual weight of either a Brink's or Loomis box of pennies is right around 14#'s on my bathroom scale. I don't recall ever having a heavier box from either of those two companies. This comes from SW FL/[quote]

If the bathroom scale works for you, that is great.
If I got a 14 lb. box on my scale, I would return it. 14.1 lbs is all new shiny zinc rolls.

Re: copper box weight

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:50 am
by Madwest
From an accurate weight, you can know exactly how many Cu and how many Zn there are. It is an exercise of 2 equations with 2 unknowns.

A $50 bag (or 2x boxes) contains 5000 coins. You don't know how many are Cu and how many are Zn. The equation looks like this:
(Cu + Zn) = 5000. Unknown variable "Cu" is the number of copper cents. Unknown variable "Zn" is the number of zinc cents.

The second equation requires you to weigh the coins and the packaging that they are in. The equation then looks like this:
(3.11*Cu + 2.50*Zn) = (Weight - Package). Unknown variables "Cu" and "Zn" have the same meaning as in the first equation. "Weight" is the total weight of your bag/boxes of coins [in grams] and "Package" is the weight of the box+wrappers or coin bag [in grams] that contain them. Remember, coppers weigh 3.11gm and zincs weigh 2.50gm.

I'll skip the mathematics, and go right to the answer.

The number of coppers in your boxes/bag is: Cu = (Weight - Package - 12500)/0.61
"Weight" is the total weight in grams.
"Package" is the weight of your box+wrappers (or bag) in grams.
"Cu" is the number of coppers in your box or bag.

For all weights in Kg, the equation is: Cu = (Weight - Package - 12.5)*1639
For all weights in lbs, the equation is: Cu = (Weight - Package - 27.558)*743.6

For a single box, the equation for grams is: Cu = (Weight - Package - 6250)/0.61
For kg, Cu = (Weight - Package - 6.25)*1639
For lbs, Cu = (Weight - Package - 13.78)*743.6

Re: copper box weight

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:09 pm
by Elcid69
Madwest - for the single box equation, why is it 6250/0.61 and not 5000/0.61?... Thanks

Re: copper box weight

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:16 pm
by dannan14
Elcid69 wrote:Madwest - for the single box equation, why is it 6250/0.61 and not 5000/0.61?... Thanks

2500 zincs * 2.5 grams apiece = 6250g

Re: copper box weight

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:20 pm
by Madwest
dannan14 wrote:
Elcid69 wrote:Madwest - for the single box equation, why is it 6250/0.61 and not 5000/0.61?... Thanks

2500 zincs * 2.5 grams apiece = 6250g

Yup. That part of the formula came from substitution of #Zn = 2500 - #Cu.

I've tried the formula for bags and found it accurate within the measurement resolution of my bathroom scale.

Re: copper box weight

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:05 pm
by atticus
anyone have the weight of a $50 bag of just zincs?

Re: copper box weight

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:09 pm
by atticus

Re: copper box weight

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:08 pm
by dannan14
Yeah, that looks right to me. i came up with 27.55lbs