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$22.20 FV in coppers on my last box!
Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:00 pm
by TwoPenniesEarned
Some poor old guy who seems to have been collecting pennies for a long long time must have taken a lot of time to painstakingly roll up his coppers and bring them to the bank. I was lucky enough to buy them!
When I started running this box, I needed to check my Ryedale as I thought something had gone wrong with it. Almost every coin was coming out of the "keep" slot!
I starting looking through the accepted coins, and was like "OMG, SWEET!" IN the whole box, only 280 coins were zincs.
It made my weekend.
Re: $22.20 FV in coppers on my last box!
Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:36 pm
by styropyro
Impressive box! I'm sure most of us would kill for 88.8%. What were the years of the zincs in there, mid 80's or all around? Did you find any wheats?
Re: $22.20 FV in coppers on my last box!
Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:40 pm
by TwoPenniesEarned
It's a CDN box, so everything up to 1996 is good...and these ran all the way back to the 1940's. I only know that because I saw a King in the keeps, but I haven't sorted any of my keeps yet. I'm too busy sorting out zincs to bother sub-sorting my hoard. I figure when the returns go down and I'm not getting a good return on boxes from the bank, that's when I'll sort through the coppers.
Re: $22.20 FV in coppers on my last box!
Tue Nov 02, 2010 12:44 am
by TheJonasCollegeFund
Nice job...I love those KINGS!
Re: $22.20 FV in coppers on my last box!
Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:04 pm
by centavosdecobre
Out this way in the Mountain State, I usually find around 28% copper (excluding 82´s). But every once in a while, like my last $20 worth, I´ll get 60% (1200+ pennies out of 2,000). Usually, there will be a few new zincs, and the majority of the coppers will be in excellent condition, with a bright red color. Is this from people who have had them sitting in a jar for 20 years and finally hauled them into the bank? Usually very few wheats though.