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What is the story here?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:46 pm
by jbj
I have been sorting for a few months and just got a box the other day from the bank and all but three pennies were 1980 or older. Found one wheat penny. Found one penny from 2005, one 1995 and one 1987. I did not find any 1982 or 1981 pennies. This really struck me as weird. Any ideas what this was about. I have probably sorted $500 to $1000 in pennies so far and usually I am around 20%- 30% copper.

Re: What is the story here?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:51 pm
by Mooski
Sometimes I get the exact opposite - all the pennies are 1995 and one or two in each roll are 'different'.

This happens when I get the rolls in the plastic wrappers instead of the paper ones, so I see immediately the amount of 'fun' I am going to have.

So I would guess that someone had a whole bunch of pennies out in their garage, cashed them in, and when they re-rolled them, the three 'stray' pennies got mixed in and you got the rewards!

Did you go back and buy the rest of the pennies from that bank? :)

Re: What is the story here?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:52 pm
by cesariojpn
The copper gods have blessed you my son. You must make proper tribute by offering up a bottle of Wine. None of that Australian stuff. They will get mad.

Re: What is the story here?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:14 am
by rickygee
OK, I was a little cash poor after doing two boxes over the weekend, so I just got $10 in CWR from the bank teller on election day. These rolls had to be the most disgusting I've ever received. Not the coins, but the rolls were full of animal and human hair. Gross out, poured out the pennies and out comes coins and black, I think, dog hair along with blonde human hair. All 20 rolls were 'contaminated'. Damn, I was I glad to be finished with those coin rolls. :x

Re: What is the story here?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 3:00 pm
by PreservingThePast
jbj wrote:I have been sorting for a few months and just got a box the other day from the bank and all but three pennies were 1980 or older. Found one wheat penny. Found one penny from 2005, one 1995 and one 1987. I did not find any 1982 or 1981 pennies. This really struck me as weird. Any ideas what this was about. I have probably sorted $500 to $1000 in pennies so far and usually I am around 20%- 30% copper.

Little gems like this happen to all of us and as we post here all enjoy in the story and get to ponder: Gee, I wonder what the story is behind these coins??? How in the world could that have happened???

I had a roll the other day that was a CWR. All of the coins were 1982 Cu or older, except for one penny. No wheats. That penny was a 2000. Now, the story I invented to go along with that roll is that someone got to it before me to search it for wheats and there was one wheat and they replaced it with the 2000 penny.

I had a great happening quite some time back when I was able to get a lot of CWRs that were turned in by a little old lady who told the teller that her husband was a coin collector. Well, after going through the rolls of pennies they formed a pattern. He collected in that he never spent a penny. In the early rolls I could tell that he rolled them when he had 50 as they were grouped so well together and you could see the progression in each roll of new pennies being released and still being shiny when he rolled them. Not a speck of lint or dirt or hair, etc in these earlier year rolls. Then as time went by, the rolls weren't quite as neat and the pennies didn't seem to have been rolled as often as he once had--sitting in his coin jar or coin dish for longer and collecting lint, yuck, etc.

If only these coins could really talk and tell us their history.

Enjoy your coin searches, everyone. :geek:

Re: What is the story here?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:45 pm
by NDFarmer
PreservingThePast wrote:
If only these coins could really talk and tell us their history.

I collect Morgan dollars and I have often thought the same thing. Just imagine all the stories that 1878 coin could tell and all the places that coin has been in the last 130 years.

Re: What is the story here?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:52 am
by PreservingThePast
NDFarmer wrote:
PreservingThePast wrote:
If only these coins could really talk and tell us their history.

I collect Morgan dollars and I have often thought the same thing. Just imagine all the stories that 1878 coin could tell and all the places that coin has been in the last 130 years.

I know.....wish it were so as it would be so cool to "hear" what they had to say. I have a few very old foreign coins, not worth anything but to me it is just cool to own a piece of history.

On a similar note, when we were homeschooling our son we took him to Virginia for a couple of weeks of field trips the May when he was in seventh grade as eighth grade was a big year of American History and we thought if he had visited a lot of the places when he read about them in his history books they would be more meaningful. He did enjoy history. We visited Williamsburg and it was a thrill to walk about that historic town and think my feet were walking where so many that framed our freedom had trod so long ago.

Then we visited Yorktown and came to an area that it is said that Washington had camped and it was really exciting to think we were standing where he had stood, camped, etc.

Re: What is the story here?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:52 am
by misteroman
SURPRISED no has made a coin with an rfid chip in it "just to see where the coin goes" yet I'm sure it will be soon enough though