As a previous post recommended, talk with the Teller Supervisor or Vault Teller. Ask them when your coin dump would best work into their schedule. I did that with my CU and it got me off to a great start with them. Wednesday afternoon, after 2:00PM, was recommended because all of the tellers are back from lunch and customer traffic is almost non-existant. I wander in with my pennies and halves, get them counted by a teller, get my new coins to sort, and am out the door. It's fast and everyone is happy all because it works around their schedule. And, maybe, the homemade treat I take in once a month helps a little.
Also, from a theoretical standpoint, I can understand the mantra of not dumping where you pick up. From a practical point of view, in certain cases, I don't buy into it. In the case of banks/CU's that have their BAGGED/BIN coins picked up by Brinks it's not a guarantee you're going to get your own coins back. First of all, Brinks in NW Indiana, mixes their pickups all together, counts, and boxes them for the next week's deliveries. Yes, there's a chance you MIGHT get a few of your pennies back but the likliehood is pretty small. I can say the same for halves as I marked $1000/week in halves for three months and never saw one of my own even though I picked up and dumped at the same CU weekly. I stress these are LOOSE coins being dumped so Brinks,counts, rolls, and boxes them. If you have to take ROLLED coins to your dump bank/CU you definitely could get your coins back. I had that happen with halves. They weren't my coins but someone else had re-rolled their halves in the Beinks paper wrappers and Brinks just delivered those halves to my CU. So beware if your bank/CU requires rolled dumps and Brinks is the courier. Then you could see your dumps again.
Anyhoo, my two coppers on picking up and dumping. Be considerate of the bank/CU employees and you're a lot more likely to be taken care of.