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New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:51 pm
by corky569
I just opened an account at a local credit union. They have free coin counting for members. I am just wondering if I should start slow or go full bore. I dumped a 25.00 bag of cents, and then came back for 500 in dimes, then about two hours later I dumped another 500 in dimes. Opinions? I figure if its policy for me to use it they won't cut me off? This machine is plain Bad Too! 500 in dimes in less than a minute! I'm going to continue to dump at my regular branch in the morning, and then dump again after sorting in the afternoon. Doubling my sorting and hopefully my finds. Anyone ever get cut off in this situation? Can they just say "sorry we're closing your account" or "your coin counting privileges have been revoked?

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:35 pm
by OtusLotus
if you have an account at the bank and they have a coin counter then it shouldn't be a problem...

Although I don't see why you would get a 500 in dimes and then come back and dump the same 500? Doesn't make any sense... that is a quick way to wear out your welcome for new coins... I mean, why would a bank give you rolls/bags of coins only to have you come back and dump it in their bank, when they then have to empty the machine and store the full bag in the vault... seems like you are causing everyone a lot more work... and an easy way for the bank employees to tell you that they don't have any rolls/bags of coins to give you.

If it works for you, then continue doing it this way, but the best way to do it is to find a few different banks or a few different branches of the same bank/credit union and spread the wealth around.

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:43 pm
by corky569
Sorry, I dumped my 500. Then went to my supply bank, bought 500, sorted it, and then went back to dump it.

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:11 pm
by Prince By-Tor
Its always best to dump coin at a different bank then u get it from so u dont end up with the same coins u serched over and over

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:35 pm
by corky569
I have two dump banks, and two supply banks. I'm curious about the new coin counter bank. If I dump 3000 dollars a day, will they cut me off?

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:59 pm
by DebtFreeMe
Have you asked them if they have a limit?

I actually asked if my first bump bank would take bags of loose coin, they said no, but I followed up with asking if I drop about $1,000 in pennies a week in their machine they said not at all... So I did that for a bit...

Now I use the B of A, they allow free drop off of loose coin in bags that they provide, no need to spend time dumping coins.

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:23 am
by motos
Correct me if I am wrong, but are you dumping twice a day at one of the banks? If so cut that out. They don't want to see you more than once and that might make them revoke your privileges.

What I find helps with my penny dumps is going every other day (there abouts) and dumping a little bit more on those days to make up for lost time. It makes it seem like you aren't there as often as you are.

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:27 am
by mishra142
Just because it is a "policy" that it is free for customers does not mean you can not get cut off. Trust me. I'd do what u can to reduce your number of trips. Two in one day is definitely over doing it in my opinion.

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:09 am
by reddirtcoins
I only ever go once a day and often just take one bucket (2-gal, about $80)... Also I just gave my main dump bank some gift cards.. Keep them happy!

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 9:01 am
by Cu Penny Hoarder
I like to spread dumps and pick-ups out as much as possible to avoid drawing attention to myself. It may be slightly inconvenient, but tellers and bank managers ask less questions this way. It's best to keep a low profile. I never let anyone know what I am doing... safer that way.

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:53 am
by baggerman
I dump on Wednesdays and only $50-$100 depending on the location. They all know that Wednesday is penny day and they are good with that but any more and I am sure they would be irritated. Bit more of a hassle for me but I don't want to ruin a good thing. I just noticed yesterday that the local coin star now has multiple offers for no fee dumping.

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:21 pm
by Tribal Warrior
Here's my two cents, if you've done your research, find the most crooked/bailed out bank in your area, and stick it to them by dumping $50+ a day in coins. :) Don't forget to smile and tell them God Bless You when you leave.

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:59 pm
by wheeler_dealer
Find out their pick up day. Talk to head teller. Ask what works for them. Most want big coin drops pre pick up to keep vault space free as long as possible.

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:05 am
by wagsthadog
Hi there-

Yeah, don't dump where you eat, be pleasant, and more than 1x a week is overdoing it- getting and getting rid of coins without fees or attitude is becoming a real nightmare-


Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:40 am
by Tribal Warrior
wagsthadog wrote:Hi there-

Yeah, don't dump where you eat, be pleasant, and more than 1x a week is overdoing it- getting and getting rid of coins without fees or attitude is becoming a real nightmare-


I dump 3x a week at one bank, so far no attitudes, at least not bad enough. LoL Now only time I get sighs is when I dump a lot of halves on them multiple times in a week. That's understandable, but I tell them, hey look at the bright side yall get a free work at while getting paid. Not sure how they take that comment, but it's ok they make money off me, I might as well make money off them. :)

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:11 pm
by BamaJoe
Blow them away, make them cry when you walk in the door, dump until they have nightmares about you.

THEN, drop down to an average dumping level for your sorting needs - they will be THANKFUL :lol:

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:38 am
by BCD11
As a previous post recommended, talk with the Teller Supervisor or Vault Teller. Ask them when your coin dump would best work into their schedule. I did that with my CU and it got me off to a great start with them. Wednesday afternoon, after 2:00PM, was recommended because all of the tellers are back from lunch and customer traffic is almost non-existant. I wander in with my pennies and halves, get them counted by a teller, get my new coins to sort, and am out the door. It's fast and everyone is happy all because it works around their schedule. And, maybe, the homemade treat I take in once a month helps a little. :mrgreen:

Also, from a theoretical standpoint, I can understand the mantra of not dumping where you pick up. From a practical point of view, in certain cases, I don't buy into it. In the case of banks/CU's that have their BAGGED/BIN coins picked up by Brinks it's not a guarantee you're going to get your own coins back. First of all, Brinks in NW Indiana, mixes their pickups all together, counts, and boxes them for the next week's deliveries. Yes, there's a chance you MIGHT get a few of your pennies back but the likliehood is pretty small. I can say the same for halves as I marked $1000/week in halves for three months and never saw one of my own even though I picked up and dumped at the same CU weekly. I stress these are LOOSE coins being dumped so Brinks,counts, rolls, and boxes them. If you have to take ROLLED coins to your dump bank/CU you definitely could get your coins back. I had that happen with halves. They weren't my coins but someone else had re-rolled their halves in the Beinks paper wrappers and Brinks just delivered those halves to my CU. So beware if your bank/CU requires rolled dumps and Brinks is the courier. Then you could see your dumps again.

Anyhoo, my two coppers on picking up and dumping. Be considerate of the bank/CU employees and you're a lot more likely to be taken care of.

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:52 am
by adagirl
I know this is not a popular idea, but another option is to keep your zincs. This is what I do. I know that likely makes me even more crazy than the Cu sorter. I have seen others on RC hint at this as well because others have speculated where zinc will be like Ag and Cu one day. If I were to lose all sources of income, then of course I would dump my zinc. Maybe something to consider if you have the space and you can afford to keep your zinc. Personally, I would rather have $1000 in zinc pennies vs. $1000 in fiat paper money.

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:27 pm
by Engineer
adagirl wrote:Personally, I would rather have $1000 in zinc pennies vs. $1000 in fiat paper money.

I'd hate to be a robber breaking into your house! :lol:

Re: New dump bank advice.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:35 pm
by adagirl
Engineer wrote:
adagirl wrote:Personally, I would rather have $1000 in zinc pennies vs. $1000 in fiat paper money.

I'd hate to be a robber breaking into your house! :lol:

:lol: :D Yep, might hurt your back trying to load all my zincs up in a hurry.