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Oddities and weird stuff

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 6:54 pm
by My2Cents
Until my Ryedale gets here, I'm stuck sorting cents by hand. I've only done $100 in the last week, but in that small amount, I've come across some good percentages, so I'm not complaining. Half of my boxes were already searched by someone else, as it had markings on the boxes and each individual rolls. They weren't pulling the coppers though, and I suspect they were after the wheat cents... as I didn't find any in those $50. However, I did manage to pull 13 from the remaining $50.

But I was actually surprised at the amount of other crap that finds it way into penny rolls. I probably got $1 worth of dimes, but interesting enough, I found what I would consider an odd amount of foreign and other odd stuff.

Plastic play penny
Magic coin penny
various foreign coins
And a penny that someone took their time with and actually snipped it multiple times all the way around the edges. Someone has too much time on their hands I guess (But I should talk since I hand sorted $100 worth of pennys- LOL)

Also found a penny that was really weak struck. You can barely make ole Abe out. I put a full struck one next to it so you could see how weak it is. It stuck out on my tray so I put it in the odd pile.

So that begs the question... what kids of odds and ends to you find in your sorting adventures?


Re: Oddities and weird stuff

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:45 pm
by merchoarder
Check out the tracking thread section. Members actually keep track of the plastic coins they find while searching! I have yet to find one. Also the weakly struck penny appears to be a struck through die cap error. Maybe worth a buck or two but I am by no means any kind of expert on errors. Others here will know more and hopefully chime in. Nice finds, it's always cool to find weird stuff!

Re: Oddities and weird stuff

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:14 pm
by everything
Yeah, their are a few other threads, even in this bucket their should be. Last thing different I found was a cardboard slug, and yeah, the plastic penny thread is great.

Re: Oddities and weird stuff

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:25 pm
by penny pretty
besides the euros, and bahama pennies, I found a 5 GROSNY peice from poland, anyone know if its copper?