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Brinks boxes keep on disappointing me

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:11 pm
by theshoenlebens
Went to the bank and this time they had $100 brinks and for the first time ever.....$100 CWR.
Box on the left is the coppers from the $100 brinks... Approx. 107 total :(
Boxes on right is the coppers from the $100 CWR...Approx. 3200.. :P
Man this month and a half with very little copper in the brinks boxes really got me excited when I seen the percentages on the CWR.
Now for the interesting thing..There where 10 wheats in the 107 total box and get this, 0 wheats in the 3200 CWR. Who ever rolled these I guess knew to take the wheats :o

Re: Brinks boxes keep on disappointing me

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:53 pm
by Morsecode
Easy to get spoiled on those String boxes, isn't it? And they have those sorter-friendly inspection holes :roll:

Re: Brinks boxes keep on disappointing me

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:15 pm
by tinhorn
Start at the fourth post in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9826&hilit=supersorter

I DID notice that Brinks misses the wheats.

Re: Brinks boxes keep on disappointing me

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:48 pm
by robroy
I down here on the gulf and the majority of the boxes I get is from Brinks because I really don't want to get the Loomis boxes from my dump bank. There is another provider but I can't find their boxes anywhere except at the local VA hospital.

So I was wondering if I called these two providers and as for a short list of the banks that they deliver to would they do that.

Also, I hear all this talk about string boxes and I'm wondering what the meaning of this term is.

Can anyone tell where Loomis boxes are appearing. It seems that Brinks is a major provider for my area and lately I have not been getting the amount of copper that I used to. There was talke about Brinks having a contract to provide a client with the pre-82 coins.