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penny war story

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:53 pm
by lukesquires
So I am at my buddies house and he is in need of cash. So I asked him if he had any pennies. "Oh boy do I" he said to me, as he showed me one of those old metal milk containers that people sit on. It had about 100 bucks worth of pennies in it that he has been saving them for the last twenty years. So I made the deal and got the treasure. When I got home and started to sort I noticed these pennies were the dirties, dustiest, nastiest pennies that I have ever seen. They were to dirty to run through the sorter, it would have wrecked it. I couldn't take them to the bank, they would've killed me. So I ended up rinsing 10,000 pennies in a spaghetti strainer a little bit at a time and then towel drying a hand full at a time so that I could put them in the sorter. Talk about working hard for your money. I did get a good amount of wheats out of the deal though and some were steel. :D

Re: penny war story

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:04 pm
by SilverDragon72
Ugh. Sounds like WAY too much work involved in that. Washing 10k in pennies and then drying them? Wow. Hopefully, it was worth the time you put into it.

Re: penny war story

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:40 pm
by John_doe
they might oxidise and turn green quicker now. i would not put them with the rest of my hoard. at least you could get them sorted though.

Re: penny war story

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:58 pm
by My2Cents
I guess it depends on what you bought them for... I'd go through the hassle if it made me 10%