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A few questions from a noob

PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2012 11:55 am
by Elwood
Hi all,
Ive been collecting coins for years but just started in the roll searching/hoarding game. My goal is to hand sort 2-4 boxes of pennies a week. This week got started with 2 boxes from BofA (loomis). First box was nice-25% copper, 9 wheats including a 1912, a couple Canadian. Second box was a solid brick of 2012d. Does that happen often? I was pretty bummed until I saw what they go for on ebay. I cant decide if I want to sell it o keep it.
Also, for the small operations guys out there, how many boxes do you ask for at a time? I'd like to get some stockpiled but if they get upset about me asking for more than 1-2 I wont do it. Do you put in a standing weekly order or pick them up whenever? There are about 20 BofA branches in my area. B of A didn't put up any kind of resistance but I dont want to make myself a pain.

Re: A few questions from a noob

PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2012 12:27 pm
by creshka46
I'd say sell it fast, take the profit while you can

Look, 2011 boxes already got no action. It seems like interest in stuff like this just dies after a few months. ... _Auction=1

There's a couple hits on the 2012 boxes: ... &_from=R40

That's just my 2 cents, maybe someone else here knows better than me

Re: A few questions from a noob

PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2012 12:47 pm
by fasteddy
Welcome Noobie Elwood,

Sell that box fast and all others that you may get...this is the time of year the new pennies hit the banks. It wont last and then they will be gone until next year. Roll those profits back into your CRHunting.

Build your relationship with your banks. Ask politely how many boxes they can order at a time. I have one B o A that says 1 box a week max...screw that...another B o A will do 8 boxes and the one by my house will do 16 boxes twice a week. Just depends on their coin contract with their service. Order in advance and be prompt to pick up, many banks do not have the space for overnight storage in their vault.

Good Luck.