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Buying bags of BU Canadian cents

PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2012 5:30 pm
by Cu Penny Hoarder
I have the opp to buy several $50 bags of Canadian copper cents. They are from the mid-60's... all BU condition.

What do you think would be fair price to pay for them? .05 cents each?... .10 cents each?

Thanks for your advice.

Re: Buying bags of BU Canadian cents

PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2012 6:47 pm
by cecropia_moth
CuPH -

I had this exact opportunity about 3 years ago. One of my LCS had a mint bag of 64's and a mint bag of '65. Last year of the young queen and first year of the 2nd queen. These Canadian mint bags are $60 FV just so you know. They are bright red coins. I bought them of course, Here's the kicker...I paid face for them!!! Yipppeee, yoohoo. I still own them. Someday I would like to look through the bag of 65's for the various varieties.
