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how much does it cost to sort 1000FV cents
Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:30 am
by Buckets
Just wondering just how much it costs to sort and store 1000.00 face value copper cents. If your labor is $10 per hour and your Ryedale is paid for, and your suppliers and dump banks are in place, how much does it cost in time to sort 1000.00 Face value ?
Re: how much does it cost to sort 1000FV cents
Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:33 am
by Kurr
We have a few guys here that run 3 machinesor more.
With 3 ryedales it would take less than 2 hours. Probably takeme 5-6 hours to run them onmy one machine.
HCBTT or Highroller could probably do it in 15 mins or so [:D}
Re: how much does it cost to sort 1000FV cents
Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:38 am
by Buckets
oh yeah,
You have to figure that only 25 % are copper and the rest go back to the bank.
Re: how much does it cost to sort 1000FV cents
Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:20 pm
by highroller4321
Buckets wrote:Just wondering just how much it costs to sort and store 1000.00 face value copper cents. If your labor is $10 per hour and your Ryedale is paid for, and your suppliers and dump banks are in place, how much does it cost in time to sort 1000.00 Face value ?
That is a very hard question to answer when we don't know your situation. A Ryedale can do 18000 coins an hour so to sort $4k pennies so you have about 22 hours of sorting time. You have to factor in the other stuff on your own. IE: How many locations to dump and pick up at, how far away are the banks, how long do you normally have to wait, are the loose or do you have to break the rolls open, ect ect ect
Re: how much does it cost to sort 1000FV cents
Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:01 pm
by fasTT
Commercial high speed alloy sorters do about 3000 coins per minute, so without interruption, it would take about 30 minutes. A Ryedale does about 300 coins per minute, so it would be 5 hours without interruption.
Re: how much does it cost to sort 1000FV cents
Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:11 am
by PennyPauper
fasTT wrote:Commercial high speed alloy sorters do about 3000 coins per minute, so without interruption, it would take about 30 minutes. A Ryedale does about 300 coins per minute, so it would be 5 hours without interruption.
Where can one get a commericial sorter? I only need one.
Re: how much does it cost to sort 1000FV cents
Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:14 am
by HoardCopperByTheTon
It costs so much that you are still much better off just buying them from some other member that has the equipment.. and the time.
PennyPauper.. you don't wanna know what one of those machines costs.
Re: how much does it cost to sort 1000FV cents
Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:39 am
by PennyPauper
HoardCopperByTheTon wrote:It costs so much that you are still much better off just buying them from some other member that has the equipment.. and the time.
PennyPauper.. you don't wanna know what one of those machines costs.
Way cheaper to buy already sorted
For only $1600 I could send $1000 face to the lower 48.
What do you mean,at these interest rates and my bailout from the fed coming,I might buy two. How about letting me know how many ryedales do they cost,and who makes em. I'll take it from there.
Re: how much does it cost to sort 1000FV cents
Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:50 am
by HoardCopperByTheTon
Just buy a few more Ryedales.. they are much cheaper. Besides, without the RollCracker1000 (Manufacturer's suggested Retail Price $12K) you can't get the pennies out of the rolls fast enough to feed one of those machines.
Re: how much does it cost to sort 1000FV cents
Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:42 am
by slickeast
Hoard is right, for what we do and the way we have to get and dump coins, a commercial sorter does not make sense (cents).
Now if you have a business sorting and processing millions of coins wkly, then you need the commercial sorters.
Yeah, you can buy a 8000.00 commercial mower to cut your 1/4 acre in 3 minutes, but is not the practical thing to do either.
Re: how much does it cost to sort 1000FV cents
Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:11 am
by Buckets
Of course, I don't pay my self $10 per hour for my labor, and my Ryedale is over year old, way past 1 million sorts, and right now my only expense is the 5 gallon buckets I buy at Menards. So, I guess it's still almost free money if I want to sort copper pennies. I figured with my personal situation it cost about 1.5 cents to sort and store coppers. I just wanted to see what the answers were from other sorters. Just yesterday I paid 1.38 ($2.00 per pound) for a bag of $50 1959 pennies from Philadelphia, unopened. I dont think its worth anymore than face, but I wanted it. It killed me to pay that much for pennies because it is not my labor which I consider free, I paid someone else. Anyway , thanks for the responses.
Re: how much does it cost to sort 1000FV cents
Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:59 pm
by Roadrunner
Wow!!!!! Great deal on those '59 pennies...don't feel bad!
Re: how much does it cost to sort 1000FV cents
Sat Nov 20, 2010 3:51 pm
by HoardCopperByTheTon
Buckets.. get the free kitty litter buckets from your friends and relatives that have cats. That way you can cut out that bucket expense.
There are several of us here who would be very happy to offer you an immediate profit on that bag of 1959 pennies.
Re: how much does it cost to sort 1000FV cents
Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:05 am
by jasmatk
buckets......get the free ones most pool stores by me give them away becouse they have so many and alot of them have locking lids and come in many different sizes 1,2.5,5,7 gal