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Extract the Uglies?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:06 pm
by amalekidad
I’m running lots o boxes through my Rydale. I’m taking the time to pick out the Ugly Abes before dumping the coppers in a 5 gal bucket. My question, why am I picking out the Ugly Abes? Are they really going to contaminate the rest of the hoard? Any guidelines? I’m currently rolling the Uglies and putting them in a $25 penny box.
Thanks – Ki’s Dad

Re: Extract the Uglies?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:25 pm
by lance
I throw all the coppers in together....the most i do is take out wheats and canadians

Re: Extract the Uglies?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:37 pm
by Morsecode
Some do, some don't. I'd heard the green slime was particularly contagious so I kept them aside. Frankly, after sorting $1000 face I didn't have all that many uglies anyway....I sold them to a convenience store round the way for even money.

Re: Extract the Uglies?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:39 pm
by NHsorter
as I am pulling wheats, I put all the uglies in a tub. Figure some day I will clean them or unload them at a discount.

Re: Extract the Uglies?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:56 am
by Engineer
amalekidad wrote:Are they really going to contaminate the rest of the hoard?

Set one on top of a nicer cent for a few months and find out.

Or just ask yourself if you'd be willing to leave an ugly rust covered washer sitting on a gun barrel for a few years. If the answer is no, then its probably best to pull out the uglies.

Re: Extract the Uglies?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:21 am
by TXBullion
I buy Uggs at 1.2 shipped. This way you don't have to cash for face, and they will no go back into circulation :)

Re: Extract the Uglies?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 2:58 pm
by ScottyTX
Ulglies?? What uglies....I call them copper with some character :) Mine all go into the same bucket regaurdless.

Re: Extract the Uglies?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:12 pm
by jacer333
Hmmm thought about it....didn't do it. I throw any and all coppers together-I figure the BU's cancel out the uglies and it is all a happy family in the hoard :)

Re: Extract the Uglies?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:48 am
by RichardPenny43
If the Ryedale says ok, I say ok :)

I'm saving the rejects to send back to the mint :lol:

Re: Extract the Uglies?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:15 am
by 68Camaro
TXBullion wrote:I buy Uggs at 1.2 shipped. This way you don't have to cash for face, and they will no go back into circulation :)

I've got hundreds of pounds of "unclean" separately stored and available at 1.2x to anyone visiting central florida for pickup. Not worth my trouble to ship at that price. :) Unless tinhorn perfects his cleaning process and accepts incoming at a reasonable fraction, that's where they will stay until the melt ban lifts, in which case they will be the first to be melted. The clean bags will stay stashed.

To all keeping them together: unless you can store in a truly dry location (rare, unless you are using vacuum, or O2 absorbers, etc) , pay attention to those above telling you to separate. In the presence of ANY humidity, corrosion will spread.

Re: Extract the Uglies?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:53 am
by Dave
I clean all my uggs. I bring them to work and they soak in acetic acid for a week, they get rinsed really good, then dried and rolled. They come out really shiney for the most part. I think I clean to many of them, but what the heck. it's something to do a slow day at work.

Re: Extract the Uglies?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:30 am
by Country
I remove all my Uglies. Pack 'em separately in their own boxes. That way my COPPER is choice and clean... :)

Re: Extract the Uglies?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:54 am
by Numis Pam
Sheesh..... :cry: sure wish I had seen a thread like this about $1,000 face saved ago.... :roll: Are you all saying I need to go back now and RE Sort???

Re: Extract the Uglies?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:14 pm
by drummermatt
I am a perfectionist, so for no really good reasons other than preventing Ryedale jam-ups and having nice clean buckets of copper, I take out all the ugly Abes and return them looking for more clean copper. I also remove the Canadians and set them aside, as well as the wheats (those I plan to sell once I get $50 worth), and IHs (those are for my collection). Finally, I also keep all the copper 1982s in their own bucket :)

Re: Extract the Uglies?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:56 pm
by SilverDragon72
The uglies that I get end up going back into my dump bucket. I don't get very many of them, but when I do....I prefer to dispose of 'em!

Re: Extract the Uglies?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:35 pm
by Sheba
The real uglies, like in the photo above, get tossed into the 'dump' bag to take bag for more pennies. I hand sort, so don't have a large quantity to deal with, but if they are not really ugly or 'icky', they get sorted with the rest of the coppers.

Since I don't keep any Zincolns except the wide AMs and other aberations of a normal cent, there is not storage problem for 83s on to date, for me.

But early on, I think I probably did save some 'gunky' ones. I just don't have the energy to go back and resort all of that. Hope the humidity is ok in my storage area...I think it is.

Re: Extract the Uglies?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:55 pm
by creshka46
68Camaro wrote:
TXBullion wrote:I buy Uggs at 1.2 shipped. This way you don't have to cash for face, and they will no go back into circulation :)

I've got hundreds of pounds of "unclean" separately stored and available at 1.2x to anyone visiting central florida for pickup. Not worth my trouble to ship at that price. :) Unless tinhorn perfects his cleaning process and accepts incoming at a reasonable fraction, that's where they will stay until the melt ban lifts, in which case they will be the first to be melted. The clean bags will stay stashed.

To all keeping them together: unless you can store in a truly dry location (rare, unless you are using vacuum, or O2 absorbers, etc) , pay attention to those above telling you to separate. In the presence of ANY humidity, corrosion will spread.

I think you and me are of the same mind on this, Camaro. I do just about the exact same thing. I separate BU, clean, and ugly. I roll and box up the clean and BU (separately) and throw the uglies in a bin. I plan on sending the uglies to the scrap yard once it's legal, the rest will hopefully trade at a premium.