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Estimating copper percentage in a box

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:10 pm
by bigjohn56
Just curious as to whether anyone had weighed boxes of cents and estimated the percentage of copper. Then, after sorting, comparing the estimate to the actual percentage.

No real benefit in doing so. Just some numbers to play with.

Re: Estimating copper percentage in a box

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:29 pm
by jacer333
Nahhhh, the ryedale maxx makes that easy on me, I get an exact count every time. ;)

Re: Estimating copper percentage in a box

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:34 pm
by tinhorn
I weigh Brinks and Loomis boxes (with no holes to peek into). But that's to weed out skunk boxes. I don't compare weight to sort results.

Re: Estimating copper percentage in a box

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:34 pm
by ScrapMetal
Interesting concept, but far from being good in math, is that possible?
There are would be 2 variables, the amount of copper cents (3.11 gr) and the amount of zinc cents (2.5 gr).
So lets say the $50 bag weighed 13.5 KG.
So now we would need to solve for: CU X 3.11 + ZN X 2.5 = 13500
CU and ZN would be the unknowns but the values when added together must total 5000

That is as far as I can go, any math gurus want to help out?
This sounds interesting as it would be fun to try.

When I get all my coppers sorted out and I then weigh them to predict the amount.
I am usually very close +/- maybe 5 cents.

Here is my math: Wight of bag of coppers (ounces) / .1097 (which is weight of copper cent in oz) = Amount of copper cents.

Last batch, example 168.2 Oz / .1097 = 1533.27 Actual amount was 1536
Only off by 3

Re: Estimating copper percentage in a box

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:09 pm
by beauanderos
You can calculate precisely almost exactly the composition of copper mixed with zinc if you deduct the weight of the box and wrappers. We had an old thread over at the original realcent with such a table... maybe Hoard can tell you. I do know that if a box weighs 14.1lbs it's a skunk. That includes wrappers and box weight.

The old thread is on page 43 at

13.84lbs = 2%
13.91lbs = 4%
13.98lbs = 6%
14.05lbs = 8%
14.11lbs = 10%
14.18lbs = 12%
14.25lbs = 14%
14.32lbs = 16%
14.38lbs = 18%
14.45lbs = 20%
14.53lbs = 22%
14.59lbs = 24%
14.65lbs = 26%
14.72lbs = 28%
14.78lbs = 30%

Re: Estimating copper percentage in a box

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:29 pm
by bigjohn56
You also know that CU + ZN = 5000 (the number of coins in a $50 bag)
Simultaneous equations, solve for either variable and calculate the other

ScrapMetal wrote:Interesting concept, but far from being good in math, is that possible?
There are would be 2 variables, the amount of copper cents (3.11 gr) and the amount of zinc cents (2.5 gr).
So lets say the $50 bag weighed 13.5 KG.
So now we would need to solve for: CU X 3.11 + ZN X 2.5 = 13500
CU and ZN would be the unknowns but the values when added together must total 5000

That is as far as I can go, any math gurus want to help out?
This sounds interesting as it would be fun to try.

When I get all my coppers sorted out and I then weigh them to predict the amount.
I am usually very close +/- maybe 5 cents.

Here is my math: Wight of bag of coppers (ounces) / .1097 (which is weight of copper cent in oz) = Amount of copper cents.

Last batch, example 168.2 Oz / .1097 = 1533.27 Actual amount was 1536
Only off by 3

Re: Estimating copper percentage in a box

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:37 pm
by thripp
I usually just set my scale to grams and weigh the box, deduct 110 grams for Garda packaging or 130 grams for Loomis (not sure about Brinks), then subtract 6250 (the weight of 2500 zinc pennies), and divide the result by 0.6 (weight differential between copper and zinc pennies in grams), then divide the result by 2500 and multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

For example, if a Garda box weighs 6610 grams, it's [ (6610 - 110 - 6250) / (0.6 * 2500) ] * 100 = 16.67%.

Re: Estimating copper percentage in a box

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:11 am
by willy13
I have done this. An all zinc box weighs 14# 1 ounce. A 15# box is about 28% copper if my memory serves me. I did check this by weighing first then sorting. Also an empty box (cardboard) weighs about 3 ounces and all the wrappers maybe an ounce, if that. Since I am a hand sorter, I weigh all my boxes and sort the heavier ones first. If I had a rydale I probably would not bother...

Re: Estimating copper percentage in a box

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:14 pm
by Numis Pam
What does a $25 Face all copper box weigh? That is something I dont recall ever reading on here... I have never tried to figure out what I have stacked weight wise..only know face value.

Re: Estimating copper percentage in a box

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:27 pm
by willy13
Just over 17 lbs is 100% copper box

Re: Estimating copper percentage in a box

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:31 pm
by Numis Pam
willy13 wrote:Just over 17 lbs is 100% copper box

a BIG thanks to u Willy13 :thumbup: