I've Gained 100 lbs ... Part2

Forum for discussing any topic related to investing in, collecting and saving US, Canadian, UK, and other Copper Bullion Pennies for their metal content.

I've Gained 100 lbs ... Part2

Postby hammerrob » Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:40 pm

In my last post I said I was going to write about acquiring and disposing of pennies. It's actually not a very exciting topic.

I live and work nearby a ton of bank branches, and since I only sort $1.50 per day I stop by and pick up $2-$5 in pennies whenever I happen by one of them. Even the banks that aren't supposed to provide rolls for non-customers generally don't bother trying to enforce the rule for someone looking for $2 in pennies. The advantage to this is that if my pennies are part of a skunk box, I only get stuck with a couple bucks worth of them instead of the whole $25 box.

On the dumping side, I bank at TD, so the Penny Arcade is free. Since I'm a low volume sorter I never dump more than $25 worth, so it's never a hassle. One of the best tips I've learned on this forum is to check the Penny Arcade magnet for steel cents and foreign. I can generally grab at least $.60 Canadian every visit. Canada is close enough that I'm sure I'll visit there sometime in the next few years ... so that's actual real money for me. I've also picked up a lot of other foreign from all over the world. More details on all that in another post. The magnet goodies are probably my favortie part of this game!

Next post, my forecast for elimination of the penny and future copper price.
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Re: I've Gained 100 lbs ... Part2

Postby thripp » Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:41 pm

On my last trip to a TD Bank with the Penny Arcade, I got about $3 in Canadian coins and got about $4 in rejected coins because the reject tube was being blocked by the bag of halves so the last customer didn't get the rejected coins. It's a nice bonus!
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