2009 pennies

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2009 pennies

Postby spacemanX » Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:55 am

does anyone save the 2009 pennies. noting that the 2009 president lincoln penny has extremely low mintage, lowest in 50 years. even lower than the 1968s.
i have only found ~10 or so in hand sorting thru around $750 in pennies.
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Re: 2009 pennies

Postby Gobirds66 » Thu Oct 04, 2012 3:48 pm

I save them when I see them, and if they are in decent shape. They are all sitting in a box waiting for me to put them in rolls one day when I have nothing to do, so they should stay in the box for a very long time. Hopefully I find someone who wants to buy them to look for errors one day, and then I will sell them, but for now, I just put them aside as I see them.
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Re: 2009 pennies

Postby hobo finds » Thu Oct 04, 2012 3:54 pm

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Re: 2009 pennies

Postby scyther » Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:31 pm

I used to save them, but not anymore. Over 2 billion were made. I probably get a couple dozen per bag.
267,500 pennies and 186,000 nickels searched. Hand sorter.
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Re: 2009 pennies

Postby avidbrandy » Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:44 pm

scyther wrote:I used to save them, but not anymore. Over 2 billion were made. I probably get a couple dozen per bag.

same. I was saving them at one point but finally decided to just dump them back in. I don't feel it's worth holding onto them.
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Re: 2009 pennies

Postby SilverDragon72 » Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:58 pm

I have a couple rolls of them. Doubtful they will be worth much, but you never know. Doesn't hurt to have some, I suppose.
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Re: 2009 pennies

Postby everything » Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:11 pm

I don't find many, maybe 10 per $25 box, I've kept a few rolls of nice ones, and will go through them eventually for the errors.
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Re: 2009 pennies

Postby Kurr » Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:31 pm

I have a 25.00 box of them plus a few extra rolls from when I went to the Lincoln City release of the "Railsplitter" design, all with the Lincoln City Post Office cancelation stamp wich has the release date on them.
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Re: 2009 pennies

Postby spacemanX » Sat Oct 06, 2012 7:36 pm

went thru my 2009's today and found 3 error coins. two are the extra thumb variety of the seated lincoln
bonus round!!

will continue to save.
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Re: 2009 pennies

Postby AdamsSamoa » Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:48 pm

I keep em
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Re: 2009 pennies

Postby uthminsta » Tue Jan 28, 2014 12:15 pm

I've had a practice for many years: saving all coins of the current year. Basically the idea behind it is my version of what several others here have already mentioned: I will wait a while on them and see what varieties are discovered, then go through all my accumulated stuff and see what I can find. I found some DDRs on the railsplitter design quite a while back... but I still have thousands that I haven't gone through, even though it's now 2014!
Another part of the process for me: after the error searching, I put together a roll each of the fifty best P and D cents each year, then the rest go in the latest dump.
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Re: 2009 pennies

Postby GGerrands » Tue Jan 28, 2014 12:33 pm

Smart idea uthminsta. Planning for the future.
I saved up one bucket of the 2009's in good shape (about $50). At some point I stopped adding the Illinois capitol edition, as it's a lot more common. I'm working on a second bucket, but I only pull out the final edition, of the U.S. capitol. I do a cursory glance for doubled thumbs on the boyhood one and have found nary a one (yet).
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Re: 2009 pennies

Postby Zincanator » Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:04 pm

Although it's been a while since I've posted any, in the past I've had good luck selling my 09s on EvilBay by the roll, advertised honestly as various conditions and unsearched for errors.
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Re: 2009 pennies

Postby plus1hdcp » Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:15 pm

Hit or miss for me. The more my son helps me sort the more I save the 09's (he likes them). Lately they have been returned.
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