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Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:35 pm
by pipster
selling a ctu of copper to him as i don't have a lot of history on here it is understandable for him to be a bit leary as am i sending something without payment first i am leary as well but if ya'll say he's good i will send

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:38 pm
by rsk1963

He's got 6 vouches so far

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:34 pm
by deacon
rsk1963 wrote:

He's got 6 vouches so far


Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:17 am
by bgretz1989 there is the old feedback for 12. But considering you posted this in a thread my offer is withdrawn and I won't be doing any buying or selling with you in the future.

The unwritten rule of an unestablished member ships first is self explanatory. Putting someone's (my) integrity in question isn't the best plan to achieve results in your sales.

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 9:18 am
by eboyfudd
That rule is unwritten for a reason. A seller looking out for his own interest shouldn't be insulting. I didn't interpret his post that way - he couldn't found some useful information by looking a bit harder, but we live & learn.

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:51 am
by pipster
bgretz1989 wrote: there is the old feedback for 12. But considering you posted this in a thread my offer is withdrawn and I won't be doing any buying or selling with you in the future.

The unwritten rule of an unestablished member ships first is self explanatory. Putting someone's (my) integrity in question isn't the best plan to achieve results in your sales.

certainly did not mean to offend you in any way and i am sorry if i did. you defiantly have the right to withdraw, i have been burned in the past i am sure you are a great person and trustworthy but you can understand why i would be leery.
thanks for your offer though

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:29 pm
by bgretz1989
eboyfudd wrote: A seller looking out for his own interest shouldn't be insulting. I didn't interpret his post that way

Where are their other posts asking about conducting sales with anyone else? No ones forced to do deals with anyone. If someones worried then back out.

Lookiong at making a deal via PM goes public? Private message right? So yes this is a joke and more or less putting my integrity into question.

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:34 pm
by Catfish4u
I see zero wrong with the original post. You should ALWAYS question integrity of online transactions. I have been burned multiple times. Even on here with a user with multiple positive feed back (I think it was five positive feedback and zero negative). But, that is JMHO!

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:40 pm
by Thogey
The whole thread is bizarre. I have not seen this here before.

How is pipster protecting himself by posting this question? I would normally ask the guy I'm trading with for a reference.

I've vouched for new guys before by PM. "hey is this guy any good, he say's he knows you?" "yea he's good"

It's not an offensive thread, just weird.

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:44 pm
by Catfish4u
When I look at feedback I also look at the 'quality of feedback'. When looking at yours I would trust you. You have six positive with four coming from established users. The other two are from a strongly suspected scammer and a name similar to the suspected scammer with only one feedback. If I was grading your feedback I would give it positive four and anything two or above is good for me............... JMHO

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:45 pm
by bgretz1989
Thogey wrote:The whole thread is bizarre. I have not seen this here before.

I guess this is exactly where my issue lies.....

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:15 pm
by Catfish4u
Thogey wrote:The whole thread is bizarre. I have not seen this here before.

How pipster protecting himself by posting this question. I would normally ask the guy I'm trading with for a reference.

A 'good scammer' can provide you references. Those references would most likely be himself and could even include established members from small transactions. He would create multiple accounts and make 'bogus transactions between those accounts'. This would build feedback among all of those accounts. He may also make a few small transactions with very established members to 'make it look good'. His accounts would then in one week make several large transactions netting several thousand dollars and skip forum. He could then rinse and repeat.

I think it would be a good idea to state the amount of the transaction when giving feedback. Small amounts should be considered appropriately. I moderate one of the largest forums in the world and many people have been scammed out of thousands of dollars. But, there have been many millions of dollars trading hands without any problems. On the internet you can never be 'too careful'. In real life too as I was scammed out of several thousand dollars via a Craigslist ad. JMHO.......

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:25 pm
by Thogey
Catfish4u wrote:
Thogey wrote:The whole thread is bizarre. I have not seen this here before.

How pipster protecting himself by posting this question. I would normally ask the guy I'm trading with for a reference.

A 'good scammer' can provide you references. Those references would most likely be himself and could even include established members from small transactions. He would create multiple accounts and make 'bogus transactions between those accounts'. This would build feedback among all of those accounts. He may also make a few small transactions with very established members to 'make it look good'. His accounts would then in one week make several large transactions netting several thousand dollars and skip forum. He could then rinse and repeat. I think it would be a good idea to state the amount of the transaction when giving feedback. Small amounts should be considered appropriately. I moderate one of the largest forums in the world and many people have been scammed out of thousands of dollars. But, there have been many millions of dollars trading hands without any problems. On the internet you can never be 'too careful'. In real life too as I was scammed out of several thousand dollars via a Craigslist ad. JMHO.......

I think this is what Gimmesomesilver did.

The only people I've vouched for are ones I know, I mean I know where they live. I've been to their house and know them personally.

I'm just saying that pipster is not protecting himself by adding this thread. A ctu is not a huge deal and this guy just joined. You have to start somewhere.

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:36 pm
by Catfish4u
I am much more skeptical than I used to be. When I look at the feedback of gimmesomesilver (the suspected scammer) he stated in feedback he met bgretz1989 in person for a transaction. Did any other posters meet with gimmesomesilver in person? Those scammed may be interested in his address. (for contacting him or his family seeking restitution). I was looking for that thread where multiple people were scammed (including myself) but can not find that thread - is it deleted?

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:53 pm
by Thogey
You might have a good point about posting the dollar amount in the feedback system.

That might have revealed jackoffs.... I mean gimmesomesilvers tactics. It might have saved 68camaro $811. It does look like a setup.

How bout it begretz. Do you know where he lives?

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:20 pm
by justoneguy
Catfish4u wrote:I think it would be a good idea to state the amount of the transaction when giving feedback...

I personally would not like to see the amount i spent posted publicly.
but then again I don't make large purchases
or spend more than i'm willing to stake on my impression of the other party.

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:27 pm
by CopperForLife
justoneguy wrote:
Catfish4u wrote:I think it would be a good idea to state the amount of the transaction when giving feedback...

I personally would not like to see the amount i spent posted publicly.
but then again I don't make large purchases
or spend more than i'm willing to stake on my impression of the other party.

Even though I don't post much and usually just get info off this site. maybe they could have some sort of option for feedback where you could choose to display the price range you payed/recieved for an item? just a thought.

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:34 pm
by Catfish4u
True, some people would not like that information disclosed. A 'good scammer' could get around it anyway. They could simply buy ten peace dollars from one very respected member and sell those same dollars to another very respected member. (or buy peace and sell morgans). The net would be zero but they would pick up valuable, respected feedback in the process.

You should always be VERY careful when 'sending first'. I often wonder how many scammers, or sets of scammers, are currently working this forum. Maybe they are in the process of actual scamming or maybe they are just building up their feedback in preparation. Hopefully the answer would be zero but it would be pretty naive to just accept that without taking precautions.

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:44 pm
by bgretz1989
There is no different in sending first or paying first..... On a forum like this. Anyone can be ripped off.

Here's an example lets say after all this bull[excrement] I bought the ctu and paid him first? Who says he for sure would ship? I mean he could use this thread to try and say oh no I shipped.

So catfish sense you seem to be so cautious are you saying you think I'm scamming people? Wow I did a face to face trade with an idiot who ripped someone off. My own transaction with him went smooth so he got the feedback for it. So anyone who had done a deal with him under either screen name, are they on your suspected scammer list?

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:46 pm
by bgretz1989
If you don't have the balls to take someones word then don't buy or sell.
Case closed

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:55 pm
by Catfish4u
It has exactly ZERO to do with how big your balls are! It is 100% about taking a risk because you think 'the reward is worth the risk'. You should try to minimize your risk by performing research, asking questions, sending pm's to previous feedback giver's, etc. If you pay or send first you are accepting a risk that you 'may be ripped off'. It is simple as that......................

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 4:04 pm
by Catfish4u
bgretz1989 wrote:So catfish sense you seem to be so cautious are you saying you think I'm scamming people? Wow I did a face to face trade with an idiot who ripped someone off. My own transaction with him went smooth so he got the feedback for it. So anyone who had done a deal with him under either screen name, are they on your suspected scammer list?

I do not think you are scamming people. But, of course there is a chance. It is somewhere between 0% and 100%. People that transact with you must decide what that % is for themselves and decide if it is worth proceeding. Anyone that dealt with the suspected scammers would induce additional scrutiny from me. I dealt with him too so I would include myself on the list for additional scrutiny. But, that is just me. Everyone must decide for themselves.

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 4:59 pm
by Chief
Instead of stating a public thread, how about PMing the people the other person has done deals with and asking if the person was great to deal with?
"Calling someone out" on a public thread isn't good w/o good reason, IMO.

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:07 pm
by uthminsta
This thread should be moved to the MEMBERS ONLY area, or deleted.

Re: Anyone want to vouch for bgretz1989

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:35 pm
by pennypretty
I love this forum, and I understand where bgrets is coming from. I got upset when my name was used for a post. There was no ill will intended, but I shot back a reply I shouldnt have. The people here are great, and if you see something you dont like, try a PM first(I learned my lesson!)