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Just finished another copper bag...

PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:28 am
by scyther
I don't think I posted about it at the time, but a couple months ago I got 2 bags of pennies with an extremely high percentage of copper and a few other distinctive characteristics. For one thing, there were more Canadian pennies than usual, and from older years than usual (nothing really that old, but a few George VIs). Also, there were a lot of surprisingly shiny pennies from certain years. 68, 70, 72, 73, 74, 89, and 95 come to mind. I got quite a few 68 S's. I usually only get a couple really shiny coppers per bag, and I probably got like 200 between those bags. So I think it was obviously a hoard of pennies that someone had decided to dump for whatever reason (perhaps it was Thogey's widow!). It must have been quite a hoard to fill up at least 2 bags, maybe more. Strangely, there weren't any more wheats than usual, meaning the ratio of wheats to coppers was lower than usual. Total copper percent was maybe 70-75%; I didn't try to count.

That was about 2 months ago. I just finished sorting a similar bag now. A lot of Canadians from older years, and an unnaturally high copper percent (not as high as last time, but probably over 50%) without a significantly higher number of wheats (unfortunately no shiny coppers this time). I wonder if it was the same person that just found another bag in their basement or something. Very strange.

In the end, I got 28 Canadians (27 copper, one zinc/steel) and 29 wheats. Unlike last time, there were actually a few treasures among the wheats: 3 from the 30s (a 34, a 37, and a 39), a 1920, and a 1910- the oldest coin I've found so far!

Re: Just finished another copper bag...

PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:14 am
by Numis Pam
That ls awesome!!! May the Force continue to be with you!!! :angel: